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Replay⚖️ Very interesting and informative.
I read about this the other day. I believe she worked at the resort as a yoga instructor. Her mother said she concealed her identity out of fear. I will listen more to your replay. I’m at work right now but you caught my attention because I just read about this last week.
Jamaica, Trinidad and Haiti.
Hubby is from St Kitts but lived on St Croix. We have been to both as well as Barbados and Belize. We don't stay on the resorts. The three you have mentioned are places I'd love to go.
Hubby does planning for the MOST part. However, because of the issues in Jamaica we have yet to go. We always venture off the resort. But in Jamaica it does not seem safe.
I guees it depends on where you go. My hubby and I travel yearly to the Caribbean
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