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Rebel HQ

    • 2 days ago

    the top 1% and the bottom of the barrel humans are trumps fans….

    • 2 days ago

    M Traitor Green's voice is like nails on a chalkboad, I cannot wait until she is gone from the spotlight

    • 2 days ago

    One of the poorest states inviting lawsuits at taxpayer expense, the ignorance is so embarassing.

    • 2 days ago


    • 2 days ago

    They are frickin ridiculous!!

    • 2 days ago

    So many M0R0NS.

    • 2 days ago

    Insane in the membrane….🤪MTG takes the cake for nuttiness though.

    • 2 days ago

    The Christian Talibans are so funny comparing a man who need to NDAs his 3 wives and his @dult @ctresses, unless those overpriced Trump "Bibles" got some new scriptures about Jesus?

    • 2 days ago

    what if a man cooks the books and steals from the people… do you approve? ajudicated $463mil

    theres a man that engaged in a insurrection…. do you approve? and SCOTUS delays

    there is a man in new york that tried to hide his past before a election … do you approve? convicted on 34 counts

    theres a man that rapes a woman and molest others… do you approve? ajudicated $92mil

    what if a man keeps secret sensitive files in unsecured ways…. do you approve? and his judge delays indefinately

    what if a man conspires to steal votes… do you approve? 4/19 plead guilty

    these are just 6 undisputed question is this the type of person you will support at the sake of losing your own respect

    MATTHEW 21-31 i say to you the tax collecter and the prostitue shall enter the kingdom of heaven before you.

    drumpf 3 times this year he has been ajudicated as sex offender, company fraudster and now 34 class e felony charges with upto 4 years in jail for falsefying records so as to cover up his inferdelities prior to the 2016 elections that may have changed the result of who would be president of united states of america!!!!!!!! so much for election integrity.

    2016 election campaign 5 of drumpf staff were found guilty of crimes that were used to help drumpf become president only to have drumpf pardon them.

    2020 election campaign 5 of drumpf staff have pleaded guilty to their part in trying to illegally to change the outcome of the election and there is nearly 55 more people indicted in 5 states for their part in trying to overturn the election with the fake electors.

    in business his personal lawyer found guilty of crimes to do with 2016 election. cfo of trump co. found guilty of financial crimes in the company name and has been to prison twice due to these

    the gop contender for president has annouced that in the event that a delinquent nato country gets invade by russia he "would encourage them to do whatever they like" article 5 has only been used once and that was after the eleventh of september attack on usa. is this the true "manchurian candidate" via the kremlin

    FAKE NEWS has found it's father mr pecker of the "national enquirer" and donald drumpf is it's GODFATHER

    not that this has anything do with the election (he is not a poli) or the computer from hell but for the record hunter biden was found guilty of 3 felony counts regarding his 2nd amendment by misreporting on a firearm license.

    05/23/24 US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the first quarter of 2024, jan 2020 2.5. The U.S. job market expanded in April for the 40th consecutive month, but at a slower pace. 175,000 new jobs were added in April unemployment rate 3.7%, may 272,000 nearly 100,000 over expectation, jan 2020 2.5%. The Dow posted its all-time high during trading on May 16, 2024, reaching a peak of 40,051.05 points making 401k higher, under trump on jan 2020 28,600. this took me less than 5mins to find, the reason you feel poor is that drumpf and lara at the gop keep asking for your last dollar.

    • 2 days ago

    We like presidents who aren't afraid of the mic or the cable news

    • 2 days ago

    In the lady's defense: every time I hear Donald Trump speak, I say:" Jesus Christ!"

    • 2 days ago

    Stop interviewing people with a very low IQ. It serves no purpose.

    • 2 days ago

    What else would you expect from people wearing " im stupid" hats and shirts

    • 2 days ago

    Most religions require blind faith.That’s why it’s best to keep religion and government separate.

    • 2 days ago

    Trump compares himself a lot to Jesus, but he never speaks like or upholds the values of Jesus.
    These MAGA f*ck wits are living in a fantasy world of their own making.
    And these Christo-Fascist republicans are ignoring the separation of church and state so they can force their beliefs on us

    • 2 days ago

    Can we get a mute button for Marge? Good lord her voice makes me want to smash something.

    • 2 days ago

    This is why Republicans dumbed down our schools and took out US History. They dont want our kids to know that our forefathers fought and died to create this country and a government that was supposed to be fair and just and free of the rule of law from The Church and king. That is why our forefathers specifically put into our constitution and bill of rights the wording about a separation of church and state, that no law can be passed based on religious beliefs, and that our people have the freedom from and of religion. It IS NOT A CHRISTIAN JUDEO COUNTRY….NEVER WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 2 days ago

    Aloha. You thought Louisiana was bad? Check out what Oklahoma just passed.

    • 2 days ago

    The Old Testament is something that is read not only by Christians, Jewish people and Muslims read it too. People it would impact and maybe offend are Bhudists, Hindus, Atheists, Zekes, and maybe some fringe religions.

    • 2 days ago

    Journalist: "Well what do you say to your Jewish friends?"
    Skinhead who has never had a Jewish friend or coherent thought: "I went to school with Muslim kids in Catholic school we got along no problems! Them teachers just gonna have to adapt to it!" 😵‍💫
    Another fine example of the severe methamphetamine problem facing America…

    • 2 days ago

    Tell slack jawed yokels anything, they'll believe it. Christianity what a joke. #praiseallah

    • 2 days ago

    Theyre so selfish and racist

    • 2 days ago

    Like Jesus.😂😂😂. My word how incredibly delusional. Cheated on every wife he ever had. 😂😂😂Sure that’s real Jesus there. Moron

    • 2 days ago

    MAGAs are the people that never did their homework, copied off others & didn't contribute to group projects.

    • 2 days ago

    Christ was crucified at the behest of his own people.

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