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    • 6 days ago

    Many Cubans who came to Suriname in search of a better life have chosen to travel to the USA without taking a plane. I have always wondered how this was possible, but now I understand. I have also come to realize that countries that were colonized do not have direct flights to Afrika.

    • 6 days ago

    Been looking for this map for years
    Got the dimensions & orientation right
    Thank you for this

    • 6 days ago

    @priest teacher, where do you get this 6 thousand year calendar from?

    secondly, can you really prove this pangea wisdom you speak.

    • 6 days ago

    You keep elevating Europeans to the highest high by constantly blaming them for your conditions as if your people were braindead while all this was happening. Look inward and start taking responsibility for your conditions as men who know themselves do.

    • 6 days ago


    • 6 days ago

    One love

    • 6 days ago

    Thank you Prof for another very informative video . Tatenda 🩵💙💜🖤💜🪶

    • 6 days ago

    South Africa is being fragmented further orania, WCape independence BERLIN CONFERENCE 2.0, lack of intellectual foresight. Only EFF has a futuristic vision, the rest are captives……

    • 6 days ago

    Thank for the message🗣💯🙏🏿👑

    • 6 days ago

    so why promote African success / liberation if you are against the ideology of continent ?

    • 6 days ago

    Because Afrika (Khamit) encompasses the whole earth there are Pyramids all over the earth. The ancient Khamitic peoples moved freely across the globe.

    • 6 days ago

    According to Western scholars, the definition of a continent can be influenced by different perspectives and criteria. While there are some generally accepted conventions, the exact boundaries and classifications can vary depending on cultural, historical, and scientific viewpoints. (Meaning, whatever is convenient to Western scholars at the time. All because they want to have a European continent when there is none. Geographically speaking, Europe is part of Asia.) I prefer this YouTube content provider's 1 continent definition because it's true. It does away with any ambiguity, making it far superior to the generally accepted conventions.

    • 6 days ago

    Asbonge brother.

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