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Strong vibes of "Soldiers Of Fortune", these days more commonly called private contractors.
Very relevant with regards to the Ukraine for example. Parts of Africa and Asia. South America.
Let's call it a black ops franchise.Ofcourse: when cliche "Soldiers Of Fortune" drops, "Dogs Of War" is next in line.
And the last season of TV show The Punisher? Yes that too IMO.
(A cliche is a truth that has been mentioned too often in all kinds of settings) -
Wow. Didn't know Bob Barr was CIA connected. Werbell was OSS and in team with E Howard Hunt, John Singlaub, man that supposedly setup accounts for $$ from Yamashita's gold. During WWII they setup the drug trafficking from the Golden Triangle which eventually that team did Iran Contra trafficking too. There is info that to me quite possibly connects your Larry Cooper to the ATL KKK family that was investigated. Werbell, Singlaub, Larry McDonald, JB Stoner and Ed Fields all lived in Cobb County. Larouche supposedly wanted Werbell to assassinate Jimmy Carter.
It’s like the movie lord of war that’s a good one
Astonishing without poison on the face. Thank you!
Great job, Dana. I hope you are writing a book!
Did they make a bill protecting ufo/aliens in order to protect smugglers disguised in weird aircraft?
Great show. Great information. Unreal and too damn real. Thank you for your work.
At the time Radin was shot in the
head 13 times on Friday, May 13, 1983
at a deserted site in northern Los Angeles County, Mentzer, Marti, and
Lowe were all full-time bodyguards
for Hustler magazine porn publisher
Larry Flynt. Evidence presented at the
two-month evidentiary hearing also
linked Mentzer and Marti to the 1984
contract killing of a black Los Angeles
prostitute, June Mincher. And in a
dramatic courtroom development,
private detective Arthur Michael Pascal testified that a Mentzer intimate,
William Rider, boasted that Rider and
his brother-in-law Larry Flynt had
murdered U. S. intelligence operative
Mitchell Livingston WerBeli III in
December 1983. At the time of
WerBell's death, the ex-OSS figure
was involved in a national security investigation of Flynt regarding possible blackmail of President Reagan and
members of his inner circle. Rider, the
former head of Flynt's security -
when did the P2C series about Werbell come out? I remember Jimmy mentioning him a couple times in various contexts, but can’t find the one about him specifically. do you have an episode #?
William Barrs dad hired Epstein to work at the Dalton school
Who painted the portrait of him on the first slide?
Catching up. Fighting demons
Wahoo did I hear you say SOS???
Wow. We had a house is Sullivan county.
My uncle was the superintendent of the county by in late 90’s
There is a widely circulated rumor about Sinatra always having a briefcase full of something (narcotics, gems, or cash, whatever) to get out of any jam he may encounter. Interesting that he was named in a an article about a hit simply because he was known to have connections to the mafia.
Having grown up in S GA, I moved to the Hell Scape of ATL in the late 80s. In 2012/13 I met a spiritual advisor aka intuitive who had worked with the cops during the ATL murder investigations