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Zane Travel

    • 2 hours ago

    I’m from México and I love your videos from México. I watch your videos since then. You have a big heart and the world needs more people like you.

    • 2 hours ago

    Travel to DR often & have investment properties’s simple say no thank you and move on dude ..never had issues in DR with scammers

    • 2 hours ago

    Dude no offense but that’s all on you. It’s really unfortunate you click baited & degraded Santo Domingo. So unfortunate and not necessary to film and post your mistakes You’re an adult and need to man up dude. Wherever you travel ppl will attempt to up & do you. Travel to other Caribbean counties and same situation will DEF happen know from experience. You literally shat on a a beautiful country for mistakes you committed

    • 2 hours ago

    You've got to be kidding me dude! You're a grown man, not a kid. You go all the way to DR by yourself. You're without a legit tour guide, you have zero spanish language skills and no street sense whatsoever. Surprised you weren't scammed for a lot more money.

    • 2 hours ago

    I was scammed 2 times in Alabama US and I suffered like 10 more attempts of scamming by phone in just 2 years after moving there such thing never happened to me living 20 years in DR. So stop throwing shit to other countries because you were unlucky once. By the way according to the Dominican traffic you are right.

    • 2 hours ago

    WoW, I have traveled to DR many times and never experienced this low budget type of SCAM -cation or been scammed for any money. I have always had a great time alone or with a large group of friends.

    I don't speak spanish and it does not look like you had a plan. No one eats just croquettes, rice and beans only for dinner. Your hotel offered several amenities and you could hired a guide prior to your travels. When you offered that man 100 pesos to feed his family after cleaning your sneakers — you set your self up for robbery by insult. Is this channel for folk on a tight budget?

    • 2 hours ago

    The guy said he was haitian and you bought milk for his baby, was it a scam?

    • 2 hours ago

    You put yourself into that situation

    • 2 hours ago

    The scammer is a Haitian without documents, they all look physically alike

    • 2 hours ago

    You do look like an Easy target

    • 2 hours ago

    I am Dominican and now I understand why tourists are told not to leave the hotel because it is not safe. How is it that the night before you were happy because you ate well with only 17 dollars and the next day you go out on the street and give 150 dollars to a Haitian who is in the Dominican Republic. 🤣🤣

    • 2 hours ago

    Wait until you come to La Duarte

    • 2 hours ago

    You could NOT pay me to go to Dominican Republic!!

    • 2 hours ago

    New subscriber here! Love your content man keep up the great work

    • 2 hours ago

    Next time you go back to Dominican Republic get in contact with William Ramos he will take you every we’re you want to go. Willian is a YouTuber and also have turies angency

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Next time you travel get a Uber

    • 2 hours ago

    Those hatians will leave u naked if u let em 🫣

    • 2 hours ago

    Check your statements

    • 2 hours ago

    You are going to get yourself hurt being so gullible.

    • 2 hours ago

    Call your credit card company and cancel/block the transaction!!

    • 2 hours ago

    Anyone know whether he got scammed or not? 😃😅

    • 2 hours ago

    Haitians pass as Dominican,, and do stuff like this ,,, so sorry,, DR is a wonderful place , advice ,,, don't go alone ur an easy target no matter which country to go to .

    • 2 hours ago

    But why did you dedicate the rest of your day to telling everyone else you meet you just got scammed…… Literally just letting everyone know how vulnerable you are…

    • 2 hours ago

    I am a Dominican and I'm sad that this happened to you, but let's make something very clear here. You did not get scammed by a native Dominican. You were following a Haitian immigrant around (no offense to any of the good Haitian people) and if you listen closely to the owner of the first store he took you to, the store owner kept saying "I don't do business with you people." There are people like that scammer everywhere across the globe. You just have to have your wits about you when you are traveling especially when traveling alone. Let's just be glad that he only scammed you out of baby formula and not something more serious like your life for example. DR has many beautiful things to offer. Stay safe and enjoy our beautiful country.

    • 2 hours ago

    Top Video !

    • 2 hours ago

    Guys I am in the DR now and i ran into the same guy on the street. I am staying at the Renaissance and Casino. This time he has a little 6 year old kid with him who offers to scrub your shoes. He is using the same story and it is all a scam. The places that he will take you are all in on the scam as well. All the employees working in the store are in on the scam including the security. Don’t fall for it, enjoy your vacation and help no one.

    • 2 hours ago

    It's so unfortunate that you had that experience, but more disappointing that you kept mentioning it over and over. I've never been to DR but still will go and will be "street smart" . Thanks for the content.

    • 2 hours ago

    The men in the colmado said: "no hago negocios con ustedes" which mean " i don't make business with you guys" those haitians were trying to get the men in the colmado to charge you more, i guess the did it on the farmasy

    • 2 hours ago

    You have to be careful with Haitians in the Dominican Republic. Don't accept anything from them or follow them anywhere. Many of them are not legalized in the country. They do things and then escape to their own country without consequences. You should also not talk to strangers on the street anywhere. It's rule number 1.

    • 2 hours ago

    Dominicans are hustlers. If u not from the streets streets they will scam tf outta you.

    • 2 hours ago

    This is why I never travelled there it’s so messed up smh . So glad you’re ok! U reconfirmed my thoughts tho! I won’t ever go there

    • 2 hours ago

    If you keep talking native english to dominicans you gonna get scammed every single time ma boy,not only in the dominican republic but in every poor country 😂

    • 2 hours ago

    Bro, try at all cost to come to the DR with a companion native to the island, because some people they will just see that you are a foreign and they will scam the hell out of you. Btw please dont let this experience dictate what you think about dominican people in general. Also, yeah you were scammed easily but this is how they get advantage of you, by invading your space and telling you about their personal struggles that are most probably lies to get you on their game. Still you kept on going and thats what matters in the end. Now you know that next time something similar happens you just gotta hit these scammers with a big NO on their faces, and they will let you alone.

    • 2 hours ago

    Hey dominican here! dont talk to strangers. They can tell when your a turist and they will take advantage of you if you let them. Like many other people have pointed out just say no thank you (no gracias) and keep walking. Specially in turisty places like Zona Colonial. Also in my experience Santo Domingo really isnt really a place to walk in. Best to go in car even if the traffic (tapón) is long. I really hope this dosent deterr you from coming back, there are allot of beutifull and cool things about this little island

    • 2 hours ago

    All tis people who scam you are from haiti no dominican thats one of the things we are dealling every day, and is not going get any better.

    • 2 hours ago

    Same thing in Morocco. I couldn't walk 5 minutes in Tangier without someone trying to scam me or tell me their sob story. But the difference with me is, if it doesn't feel right, I let it be known immediately. I have no problem being direct with vultures. I had this guy follow me and try to get me to go into some bar. When I refused, he just kept following me, trying to figure out where I was staying and who I was with. Then he tells me how he needs money for his family, and i cut him off straight away and told him I have no money for him. The dude had the nerve to say "You have money, otherwise how did you get here? How did you travel?". I put my hand on his chest and told him to stop following me and its none of his damn business how I paid for my trip. "I dont want you following me anymore, leave me alone." Three other people would try to do the same soon after. Tangier had to be the most aggressive city for scammers in Morocco. Probably worse than Marrakesh.

    • 2 hours ago

    Even the guy in the red jacket is a scam. No trust anyone in Santo Domingo. Bro…I been here 8 months and I got stories for days. I got friends that have stories for day. It really is a great country once you learn the country. Dominicans will never understand because they are from here. So they know the scams and how to avoid them. Now that I’ve been here eight months things are better because I know most of the scams and it doesn’t happen anymore. But my first few months here was rough. Dominicans will never admit that because they just don’t know. They don’t have empathy. They’re not able to put their selves in your shoes, they’re very prideful people with egos and they don’t want to admit bad things in their country. Remember in the video when you said you got scammed four times in one hour? Imagine going through that for months. I don’t know how I made it through but I did. Now I’m happier and things are better however, I almost packed up my stuff and moved back to America. This is the scammiest country you’ll ever encounter. but once you learn all the scams, or at least know how to avoid these situations then it becomes way more enjoyable. And that’s why I’m still here.

    • 2 hours ago

    Hey bro, nice video. I just want you to know that the scams in Dominican Republic run deep. That guy who is claiming to be Haitian, while his parents may have been born in Haiti, 100%. He has been here since a child. The way that guy speaks, the necklace he’s wearing, the way he walks and acts is 100% Dominican. In fact, everybody in that store was Dominican. Please do not take the race baiting Comments against Haitians to heart. I live here and I’ve experienced it all. Dominicans treat Haitians like crap because of history. But for some strange reason, Dominicans treat people from Spain, amazing, when they come visit. It’s strange because the Spanish people were the ones that colonized them. So here in Dominican Republic we have a lot of Haitians that were actually born here so in that case they are Dominican. Sometimes they don’t know anything about Haiti and never been there. Also, some of the Street guys are using the Haitian line to their advantage because everybody knows of how hard it is in Haiti right now so they’re using that in a way to get more tips and money from foreigners. Real Haitians that are born and raised in Haiti, I promise you’re the most peaceful people in the Dominican Republic. and sorry that happened to you.

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Honestly, your behaviour makes you look as if you need to be scammed 5, 10, 20,… maybe 30 times before you can learn that people who act overfamiliar with strangers tend to have ulterior motives and use their overfamiliarity to weed out those with street smarts. If you're still there after they treat you like a fool ("I can't have cash or the police with get me"), and you're still standing there, that's a green light to scam

    • 2 hours ago

    And sorry about what happened to you but I’m mad at you for putting your self in that situation, I can understand if it was your first time traveling but it was not. Scan happens all over the world and the reason I know is because I’m a traveler my self. Again I’m sorry and hope that’s not the only impression of the Dominican Republic you have . And yes you look like a nice !!

    • 2 hours ago

    And in dr are a lot off Haitian like that man in the video

    • 2 hours ago

    In every country you have scam even here in europa

    • 2 hours ago

    I don’t know when you filmed this but now there are dedicated Tourism Police. DR has dedicated itself to crackdown on these scammers. This is why the DR has a thriving Tourism industry. If this happens now you can submit a complaint and they will start an investigation.

    • 2 hours ago

    give it another chance , hit me up here and i am willing to travel with u .

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