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The Vv Theory

    • 1 month ago

    Oh yeah first on the scene

    • 1 month ago

    Also u/y ace rides now and I can’t wait to play him in op08 some. I’ve seen some saucy deck lists with the new blue white beard and the new searcher event card.

    • 1 month ago

    This leader is what I live for. Thanks for the video!

    • 1 month ago

    My brother in One Piece you ain't wrong. Ace would have been better Red/Yellow especially since they made more whitebeard pirate cards that Ace would love to use.

    • 1 month ago

    you could have put satori on top of your life and drew it with flampe to draw an extra card against the bonny 3rd match

    • 1 month ago

    This my top 5 fave leaders, so 🔥

    • 1 month ago

    Maybe the new ST-17 Blackbeard might help Ace a little. Which you can put a card from hand to the top of life and it will give 2 dons for the leader.
    But the thing is it might burn hand size

    • 1 month ago

    So I’ve been playing a lot with kids and Zoro and for me kid is a 2 of and Zoro is a 3 of. I just beat an enel because I had 2 Zoro on the field lol kid helps some but he’s become kind of a stale play to me a lot.

    • 1 month ago

    Thank you very much, i just started to commect op TCG and will start to play next week! Your videos are very good and helpfull!
    Keep the good work up my man 🙂

    • 1 month ago

    The 3 Brothers should have been the same color just like The 3 Captains

    • 1 month ago

    Went 4-0 with this leader at an Arizona locals today. Love this deck.

    • 1 month ago

    Yeeea the video i was waiting for🎉

    • 1 month ago

    12:40 pretty sure the Yamato wanted to use "You can be my Samurai" but got blocked by the sugar. Plus Sugar would still block the Hody play

    • 1 month ago

    Support man

    • 1 month ago

    Previous UY Ace List: https://youtu.be/Akfbdk1hSio?si=JxWGr6rn-ZN6Rxi9
    Top Decks Website: https://onepiecetopdecks.com/
    Moash DMC Video: https://youtu.be/EChumQE0XyY?si=K9IcCmrUYOQl7D1q

    UY Ace List:














    • 1 month ago

    I play U/Y ace and I lost faith in 2 brother engine(both ace and luffy) and went life tempo. I commented on 1 video that strategy but I guess nobody plays it, and I can confirm after winning some locals(tested both versions) life stacking can be a lot better if you have right decklist. It can win againts anything in this meta, if you get right amount of violas, hiyoris and 5 costs, you can win, because nobody expected me to have shit ton of life. 1 guy played vs me rebecca and I ended with 12 life because if he attacked, I get full board for free. Its interesting deck to experiment with.

    • 1 month ago

    At 39:55 you missed the 5 cost Ace when you did your leaders effect btw

    • 1 month ago

    At about 42:00 (when you whiff with your leader) you could have played the blocker ace first to put the rush Ace on top of your deck, then search for it and play the 2 cost Ace, could have been a really strong turn

    • 1 month ago

    In the first game, you could’ve played the five drop blue ace drawn 2 and put two back on top, which would’ve enabled your leader ability

    • 1 month ago

    One piece of Advice here, I'm missing a Sanji and a Zoro Sec from this list, would it be ok to sub them for a couple of 10C Doffy? or what could you recommend for them?

    • 1 month ago

    Not conviced about garp or searcher event, makes your leader ability weaker because of the extra cycle

    • 1 month ago

    Love the video, I love to see all of the Blue/Yellow Ace love in the comments!

    • 1 month ago

    Yo don’t forget to use your 5c blocker ace to put cards in your hand back on the top of the deck. Like at 42:22 you could’ve played your 5c blocker Ace-draw 2-put 2 back which would be a rush ace- leader effect- small ace. Now you have established a blocker/rush ace/made your leader 7k on opponents turn. I understand you’re playing against lucci but that would’ve still been 2 5cost they have to get rid of constantly at that point in the game with the hand you had

    • 1 month ago

    With the 5 cost blocker ace in hand, there were times where you could have played it to set up a guarantee search, did you avoid that for losing out on a chance for another 7k turn/ heavy don commitment? Trying to understand the play lines and the reasoning behind them

    • 1 month ago

    Pretty sure Moash is running Gravity Blade over Red Roc because playing the 7c event on curve against Bonney is almost an autowin as it completely sets back Bonney´s character developement and puts your ahead by a mile. That card is also the reason why Boa and Blue Doffy do so well against Bonney in the OP07 Meta.

    • 1 month ago

    Would it be worth it to run the blue 5c Zeff from the Zanji starter?

    • 1 month ago

    Im pausing rn and I don't wanna be that guy, but at 1:00:40 when you're swinging into BY Luffy with Ace, they either made a mistake or did this on purpose: they trashed 2 cards to get to 7k but still lost the life, and took the second swing from Leader Ace

    • 1 month ago

    Thanks for always providing in depth looks at unique decks. I have been maining my version of your BMP RY Sabo list for a week or 2 now on the Sim. I like Lucci and Enel but I could never afford the cards needed for a competitive list of either of those decks. I love Sabo so much and have had enough success on the Sim that it pushed me to pull the trigger and make my first TCGplayer order so now I'll have 2 physical decks (BMP RY Sabo and RY Belo Betty). This Ace deck looks like it could be a lot of fun so I'll test it out for a while and see if its worth getting the other pieces.

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