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Life wid di JamFams

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for sharing your experiences with us..As for me I've been thinking of moving back to Jamaica for the the past two years so all information is very helpful to me..

    • 2 weeks ago

    My Sis, I am glad you are doing these videos. My dream to go back to JA, in the near future. I'm from the country. And nothing beats waking up in the morning head out to the yard and pick up ripe mangos that fell in the night. Just for starters. I know JA, is slow in some areas, but, I WANT TO COME HOME.

    • 2 weeks ago

    After watching this video, I learned that you moved back to Jamaica from the UK. I'm curious—what inspired you to make that move, and how long have you been back in Jamaica?

    • 2 weeks ago

    Wow, one year already
    Nice fresh food in jamaica is the best

    It's best to live rural, less noise

    • 2 weeks ago

    Moving from UK? You've made no mistake sis. I'm on my way out

    • 2 weeks ago

    Moving back soon, just looking a job there first.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thanks for the vid and the honesty. I came back from JA yesterday and agree that food shopping is expensive and children are exposed to many things they should not be! It's as though persons have become desensitised

    • 2 weeks ago

    Its interesting that you neglected to mention the encouraging infrastructure development. low unemployment rate, free associate degree education, removal of co signor requirement for University student loans, path economic and poor relief programs, real estate development, reduction in crime, high almost US 6 billion dollars in reserves, high international international credit ratings, which is attracting pension funds , labor union funds from all over the world. I could go on and on. Dont you spend time to research all these economic building policies that are growing the economy. These are the factors that are attracting people from overseas here. Your topic is not credible if you leave out these important factors and so many others. Please do a better job

    • 2 weeks ago

    You are not alone with that, same here100,%

    • 2 weeks ago

    Our country is way more the the so called reggae, and sand sea and sun. We are so much more. We are fast becoming a luxury brand. We dont want the little backpackers who go into the worst communities and show the worst of the worst communities. Its just a matter of time before they realize that we resent them and dont want them in our precious country. Pleas consider doing more researtch on the direction that our beloved country is moving into

    • 2 weeks ago

    People are impatient in traffic all over the world. No different from us. You shouldnt even highlight this. Just like inflation is affecting every single country across the world, which is driving up the prices of the typiocal consummer basket. Very foolish point

    • 2 weeks ago

    Black people in UK are better off than most countries. In their own country people just want to kill them, no matter what nonsense is said about Jamaica how cool it is, the fact is, you move nack therebwith money, your own wants to kill you. . I am black and i would never live in a black country, do i look foolish? 😂😂😂

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for this useful bit of information.

    • 2 weeks ago

    School rules seems nonsensical (especially wearing braids. It's part of our culture). I am not getting it.

    • 2 weeks ago

    What parish are you in?

    • 2 weeks ago

    Newest member

    • 2 weeks ago

    Darling you need to move to New York City pure loud noise literally, not to mention the bus, truck 🚛, trailer traffic, train, lawn mowing, girl!¡!!!!!!!!!! I don't know where you have been. Cost of living please. When I go home it is so quiet especially in the country area. Maybe the UK is different from NY

    • 2 weeks ago

    Where's their daddy?

    • 2 weeks ago

    Hi keep safe and focus Jamaica any day more will come back the U K is not hot right now ❤🇯🇲🇯🇲

    • 2 weeks ago

    I found your video very interesting. Watching from the UK. Its good to hear how you and family are navigating your move to Jamaica 🇯🇲.
    It takes a while to settle back down over there. Jamaica is Beautiful.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Hello Im from the UK but lived in Jamaica for just over a year, a couple of years ago. My children went to the local primary school. It was not a good experience tbh. The teachers there still freely using physical punishments, which caused me to have serious disagreements with the staff. I also waited for 6 months trying to get my elder child into high school but the local Ministry of Education were literally a joke. After numerous meetings that went nowhere, I ended up giving up and returning to England.

    It’s such a shame because Jamaica is so amazing for so many different reasons but you need the patience of a saint (which obvs I don’t have, loool!!!)

    All the best to you and the family. I hope everything flows as smoothly as possible for you 🙏💓

    • 2 weeks ago

    We chatted before and I said to you our people always causing BS. Notting Hill Carnival, 32 year old woman stabbed to death in front of her 3 year old and a chef (who worked with Gordon Ramsay) beaten to death. This is why I wouldn't live in Jamaica if Jamaican people or people of Jamaican background can act like this in UK, man , the way they are in Jamaica will be a million times worse!
    Should we visit Jamaica you seem nice, we stay with you . All the best sista 👍

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