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SportsMax TV

    • 3 weeks ago

    What was the Exec doing at meetings? Something as big as the World Under 20 Championship should be top of their agenda until it's completed. If this was the case, deadlines should not have been missed. Whether there's an office or not, the Exce has responsibilities and should carry them out. Sad situation.
    Praying God opens doors and other opportunities for the athletes.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Good job of not letting him avoid taking responsibility.

    • 3 weeks ago

    This meet is trash, 1st of all it’s too cold, then some of these athletes especially from Jamaica are so mediocre I refuse to watch, waste of time !

    • 3 weeks ago

    This is an OUTSTANDING example of the incompetence, of persons in position of authority, of these third world countries, and are allowed to get away with it. THIS IS BULLSHIT AT IT'S BEST. All concerned should be dismissed immediately.

    • 3 weeks ago

    A manager must have check and balance process. No matter how many staff you have that is management

    • 3 weeks ago

    What about remote access? You dont have to be in the office. Archaic

    • 3 weeks ago

    He should resign,he dropped the ball badly. He cost those athletes a chance to perform on the world stage. Not to mention, chances to be seen by college coaches.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The buck stops at the president

    • 3 weeks ago

    Skrews up, takes ZERO responsibility, ZERO accountability and then asks for more money. Classic! I wonder if he went to Paris.

    • 3 weeks ago

    These old heads need to go. I have a thought. Hmmm. Maybe we should have a Caricom athletic association overseeing and providing guidance and blueprint to these associations and hold them accountable. I'm lost for answers.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The president is 100% wrong. I work in corporate and these administrations must start acting as a corporate body. The matter of registration must be a systematic issue. Dates and process must be in place for something as simple as registration. These administration, including the JAAA always talk about resources but these systems are put in by people including the leader and if the leader isn't competent enough to put these systems in place. What he is saying is the secretary will be the system which is totally unacceptable and will not compute in the corporate world. There were no meetings on calendars to validate registration was done and there is no leader in the organization to confirm and validate that registration was done. This squarely falls on the leader. The leader sounds as if this is lower than his remit which makes no sense. He is on a high horse.
    Sportmax!! Please also ask the JAAA and JOA president and executives to resign.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I really feel badly for the damage done to the athletes future. Holding his feet to the fire is great, but I want the same energy towards our Jamaican governing bodies.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Not only did they miss the deadline , they missed the extended deadline

    • 3 weeks ago

    journalists have to step down from their holier than thou stance sometimes; people have assigned posts and they have to carry out their responsibility. There should be an investigation and then a decision is made. What are the implications of the president just pulling up and leaving. I love sportsMax but this drilling is bordering on the SENSATIONAL

    • 3 weeks ago

    When it comes to worst Federations in 2024 the ABAA makes the Top 3 along with Jamaica's JAAA and the Nigerian Federation. Straight stupidity and lack of common sense from idiots in these decision making positions. The ABAA especially has no excuse…you're a small country with not many world class athletes so you should be extra vigilant in making sure every potential qualified athlete is registered and ready to go.

    • 3 weeks ago

    great line of questioning Ricardo.

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