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Story Rewind

    • 4 days ago

    He is a low-life!!!!

    • 4 days ago

    Do I think Skyler was compensated enough? I think Skyler answered that question already. He really did have to intervene physically, which he did without hitting. I am surprised they kicked him off but the flight attendant likely reacted according to what was seen when they arrived, and that was Skyler restraining the racist man's arm by holding onto his wrist. Still, it would be clear to me that there was a reason someone unrelated to the parties would be restraining that guy's wrist. But, things can happen quickly on a plane and they make decisions in order to get the plane in the air without delay. I believe most flight attendants don't get paid with the plane sitting on the tarmac, they actually have to be in the air, which isn't right.
    The racist guy would have pissed me off too. I can't stand racist people.
    My Grandparents were difficult for some people to understand too. Both of them were from Scotland. My grandfather came to America first (I have copies of all the paperwork from his immigration), and once he got the job he applied for and got a place to live for them, he sent for my Grandmother, they married in New York, and had my dad and his little sister, Elizabeth. My dad and his sister grew up in Brooklyn, NY (both of them still retain their accents, although my Dad joined the service and moved away, he never lost his acent – he is 93 now). My grandparents both lived to be about 92, and I believe they only returned to Scotland once or twice. My grandmother didn't become a citizen until my Father became an Officer in the US Air Force and he asked her to please become a US Citizen for his sake, which she did. She was reluctant to give up her UK Passport and identity. lol. But, their accents never softened, never diminished. Every place we were transfered to, my parents always made a point to fly his parents out to visit us, so every 2.5 years of my life, on average, we moved to another part of the country and from the time I was born, they had been around (I think, where I was born, my grandparents came to visit every year because I seem to remember them from that particular base, which is how I rememember my own history and that of family — via where we lived at the time, and what song was popular then, and I sometimes have sensory memories that trigger other memories…).
    When my brother was getting married, my grandparent wanted to talk to her on the phone. I had to hold the phone and listen in with my future sister-in-law, and then tell her what they had said so she could answer their questions. She couldn't understand a word of what they said. As I said, from some of my earliest memories, they were there. Grandpa taught me how to hold a golf club and how to swing properly. He golfed into his 90s, like a good Scotsman should. My Dad was golfing, but I don't think he does now– after an accident, my dad had a lot on his plate and had to take care of my Mom, their dog, the house… and it took a lot out of him. Mom is doing much better, but they are both starting to decline. I am not sure if Dad will be able to golf again.
    So, whenever I have been in Scotland, someone always asks how, as an American, I can understand Scottish people, and I would always reply that I grew up hearing the accent because of my Grandparents. Then they want to know my full name and what Clan is Simpson, and I tell them it is Fraser, and Yes, I have kilts, No I don't play the bagpipes but wish I did, and No, I have never and won't eat haggis.
    So, I understand about this Grawndma's accent and it would have infuriated me if I heard him speak to this woman in this manner. If they were allowing that racist to remain on the plane, I would have volunteered my seat to trade and would have wanted to help because, like I said before, I hate racism and I despise racist people. My parents didn't raise us to be racist, and my father wouldn't allow it in our home. * Deport the reacists, and allow those who can love and get along with everyone to
    remain… That's how I feel about racists in America and, so, now, you also have an insight as to how I vote.

    When stationed at our last Air Force Base while growing up (the longest I had lived anywhere at that time), my sister was a star athlete and in the newspaper all the time for being high scorer of whatever sport happened to be in season. She came home from school one day and told my Dad that on Saturday, the high school quarterback was coming to play basketball and shoot hoops with her. My dad said, fine. So, Saturday came, my sister provided the guards at the gate the necessary information. On Saturday, the guards called the house and told my sister her guest was on his way as he pulled up in front of the house. She ran out to meet him and invited him to come inside and then they could go play basketball. But, much to her surprise he said, My Mother told me I was not to go into the Colonel's house. Do not disrespect the Colonel, that is his house, and don't you go into that house. Be polite, be respectful". My sister replied with, Wait here. She went inside and told my father, who raised an eyebrow and went outside and to the driver's window and said, Young man, get inside of this house right now. He said, My Mother told me not to disrespect you sir, and I was not to enter your house. My dad replied, Then, don't disrespect me, and get inside right this minute. Don't argue with me. LOL. So, he did come into our house. lol. I loved that about my dad. I loved the stories my mom told me about when they were stationed in Arkansas before the Civil Rights Act, and Jim Crow was in full-swing and how much she hated it – she said it made her sick to her stomach. My favorite story is about a flight attendant friend who came to visit – she had traveled the world. They went to a store in town, and my mom and her friend's guest got separated from her. The next thing my Mom knows is that someone is screaming, and she and her friend realize it's the flight attendant and they run in that direction. Their friend is in tears screaming, What is this WHITE DRINKING WATER ONLY? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? WHAT IS THAT? She was outraged. And, because those were the laws and the police would side with the store, my Mom and her friend (also an Air Force Officer's wife), took her by the arm and the exited the store and returned to the base. The flight attendant was in tears all the way back, and she told them she would never return. They understood and agreed with her – it was appalling.

    • 4 days ago

    Yes, unkind man. He has his personal pro, so he’s taking ouyon someone else

    • 4 days ago

    I would have liked Skyler to have been reward more, like maybe getting a side job giving security tips in a class. All airlines, airplanes and airports really need to stop serving alcohol.

    • 4 days ago

    Kindness begins at home, raise your kids right

    • 4 days ago

    Racism is brute ignorance exercised principally by white people who mistakenly believe they are superior. Superior, my foot!

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