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Duchess Of Success

    • 4 weeks ago

    What is Charles is going to do.ask for more money.
    If Charles doesn’t care for Harry and his family. Why anyone thinks that Charles would care what happened to the people?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Doesn't goofy King Charles style himself as leader of GB? Then why isn't he stepping up to say anything or at least attempt to try and quell the disorder? Quite the effective leader they have over there in the UK. Absolutely worthless!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you DOS for great podcast I'm just so thankful Prince Harry and his only Family not there Prince Harry saw it coming

    • 4 weeks ago

    If it wasn't for the poor whites and the middle class whites in the midwest we wouldn't have trump if it wasn't for the racism and the lack of jobs and stability we would not have trump but then again trump is the underlying Of what's been silent in America that we black people have always known Of what's been silent in America that we black people have always known racism bigotism silent racism And it's institutional Racism And we have trump trying to be their savior rich man trying to be poor people savior that has nothing in common with poor people The same people at his rally he would not even let them work for him

    • 4 weeks ago

    These people (the royal firm), ARE THE WORST!!!

    • 4 weeks ago

    The UK media starts the riots just my opinion

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hello DOS 👋🏾. Happy to see Harry and Meghan doing great 👍 👌. They're thriving and happy.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Good morning Ana and everyone have a bless Thursday 🙌 🙏
    Prince Harry and Princess Meghan are rising winning give back service is universal!!💙💙♥️♥️🌸💖

    • 4 weeks ago

    They can travel as they wish because they are well protected. All these riots they are part of the conspiracy

    • 4 weeks ago

    The Sussexes are trying to save lives by putting things in place to help children and adults from online bullying

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Anne. Congratulations to you on your Book 📕🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾

    • 4 weeks ago

    Where are the royals: they put up a sign ON VACATION-DO NOT DISTURB.
    A ruler supposedly political neutral could still speak to the people pushing for peace and unity among the citizens, surely.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Brazilan gymnast is Rebeca Andrade. Last name is pronounced Ang-dra- shee in Portugese. English speakers usually say And-dra-dee.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Anne, your comment about what Charles is suppose to do, is part of the problem. He could give a speech and calm nerves down. That is what a leader should do especially when they get that much money from tax payers. You guys tolerate such nonsense!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Harry was right. What lies by the media can lead to

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Anne!

    • 4 weeks ago

    What is happening in England,is what happened, ""when Good citizens remained, and afraid to speak up,while bad "Citizens are allowed to promote"CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE "what a shame at Great Britain "Where are the "so called"ROYALS"WHO GOT A RISE "PEASANTS "POCKETS "

    • 4 weeks ago

    Meghan also uses Tatcha products for her skin care. The products are fantastic! Pricey, but worth it!🥰

    • 4 weeks ago

    Hi Anne- the uk is reaping what they sow – stay safe!

    • 4 weeks ago

    Royals don't care about their SUBJECTS 😮

    • 4 weeks ago

    People who feel abandoned by their govt, and they vent their anger and frustration on a selected scapegoat ( frequently an individual or a group of people who is perceived as " the Other " ). Same dynamic taking place in France.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Snoop has his own Record Label.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Anne for explaining the situation going on in the United Kingdom ! And yet those Royal Rota still have time to attack Duchess Meghan for her interview on CBS Sunday Morning ! It was so interesting seeing all those white people breaking into liquor stores and sneakers stores but no one were called looters ! 😮 And this why Prince Harry would not bring his wife and children to the United Kingdom ! It broke my heart hearing about those 3 little angels death ! Elon Musk and Piers Morgan are cut from the same mold both are racist opportunist ! This young man who committed this haste crime I feel has mental health issues ! ❤fan from America ❤️

    • 4 weeks ago

    I didn’t think Britain had far right. They all speak and act like they are very progressive. They even have the antifa people there.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you Duchess of Success for the update. Prince Harry word is coming true, he's wife and children are not safe in the United Kingdom. Duchess of Success been safe

    • 4 weeks ago

    Where can I order the book?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Harry looked sad on CBS interview. All happened because of family detached him especially his father stopped talk to him. Negative press from UK and people. H&M doing a lot of help and charity. I appreciate what they do❤️. Best wishes❤️

    • 4 weeks ago

    British born (Cardiff) of Rwandan parents. (Christians).

    • 4 weeks ago

    Thank you so much, Duchess Anne. The UK needs to open their eyes and see who are the real enemies. We who live in these western countries, have to pray and fast. We are dealing with truly evil people, such as Rupert Murdoch, Jonathan Rothermere, Elon Musk, the Heritage Foundation, and their billionaire friends, who spread lies, disinformation and deception. There is a lot bots spreading lies about Meghan, hate websites about Meghan, not closed down, websites talking about how to make pacts with the demons, three girls who were 16 were killed by boys who were ages of 17-19, it was hushed up, Andrew Tate spreading his bile, he is allowed to preach. Also Kier Stammer has to have a Leveson 2 enquiry.

    • 4 weeks ago

    The Brazilian winner’s last name is Andrade, pronounced An-dra-jay

    • 4 weeks ago

    Riot due to misinformation by authorities. Afterwards, when corrected it was too late.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Trump must NOT win!!! Project 2025 would be in place in two years and disastrous for everyone.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Snoop and Martha are old friends and often pair up for events or just to hang out. They're hilarious!

    • 4 weeks ago

    The royals are not interested in working. It’s a shame because the late Queen and the King are workaholics.

    • 4 weeks ago

    In regards to the right-wing riots in Britain, it's funny how the haters say that Meghan did not encounter any racism. Yeah, right.

    • 4 weeks ago

    BRF does not care about POC which is most of the commonwealth. They are complicit in the horrific events going on.

    • 4 weeks ago

    The teenage stabber has been identified as on the autism spectrum. However, since the spectrum is broad it is not known to the public at this point whether he is more in the range of people traditionally called Aspergers like Musk who lives with his foot in his mouth and actions to match but quite intelligent and functional, or on the severely disabled side of the spectrum.

    I think because the conditioned was mentioned and nature of the attack and inexplicably young targets of the attack, as if he had a trigger and went into some kind of rage meltdown, that he’s probably on the severer side of disability. He may be in a middling grey area where he is considered functional enough he had a certain degree of autonomy but finds much in life extremely challenging

    Handling some intellectually disabled teenager emotions can be quite fraught especially if frustration and anger and the greater strength of older teenage boys comes into play. Some family’s need to put their children into care, either temporarily or permanently, because they cannot cope and the teenagers behaviour causes safety issues with other children or are capable of overpowering the parents.

    Whatever the case, he is minor, and it shouldn’t escape many people’s general knowledge that minors information is protected by law. And as such no speculation should have been made until enough information had been released that intelligent discussions could be had about what had actually happened and what could be done to prevent any such similar attack from happening again.

    This is just tragic, it’s tragic for the lives lost, the injured, the families of those children, the community, and family of the boy who committed this horrific crime (and for him), and for people affected by autism spectrum (there is a whole pile of implications as to how they are perceived and what services are needed and are missing). And instead of dealing with these very painful set of circumstances, rioters undo decades of race relations dog-whistled and baited on by politicians and media who pretend they had nothing to do with the massive damage this has all caused.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Congratulations were proud of you

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    The royal family could care less about their country burning and about their subjects getting attacked and about all the rioting in Britain but they are so concerned about what Harry and Meghan are doing who are living their lives and are asking them for anything. The royal family is after stripping your son of everything you could take away from him including his home and his security now you want to pretend that you care but I don't believe you care I believe you want to figure out ways to sabotage their lives and try to make things miserable for them. Meghan and Harry will continue to shine like the lights they are.

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