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CBS Evening News

    • 3 days ago

    жаль что нет ядерных на борту,хотя кто вам об этом скажете

    • 3 days ago

    I think its okay fair you know, meanwhile, the US has our military forces in alot of countries. Maybe alittle attriction can rekindle Wokeism away from the US into protecting our borders.

    • 3 days ago

    as of 2024 the US military is #1 ranked by global firepower

    here come the crying comments ! ready go!

    • 3 days ago

    red dawn

    • 3 days ago

    Navy vet here, I think folks that are worried about this, don't understand how the US military, in this case how the Navy works. Did y'all not hear how we're shadowing them? Guaranteed we knew they were coming and are on it like white on rice. We aren't complacent about any of it even though this happens about once per year. Don't just rely on what you see in the media and get anxious but do some research.

    • 3 days ago

    Давно пора. Почему америке можно всех убивать, везде распространять беспорядок… Почему америка может открывать базы по всему миру. А России нельзя… Теперь можно. Достали уже эти демократы капиталисты

    • 3 days ago

    Пора России разместить военные базы в Мексике и Кубе. Это же нормально. США ведь разместили свои базы возле России и по всему миру. Пора и России разместить.

    • 3 days ago


    • 3 days ago

    Work for peace,work for progress but not war

    • 3 days ago

    Это нужно для поднятия статуса России, для формирования евразийского союза, по типу северо-американского и европейского, в конечном итоге все союзы сольются в одно целое, одна власть, одна армия, одна валюта, и чип в голове , над которым уже рабаботает Илон Маск, "а если вы будете протестовать они вам чип отключат,и все деньги будут привязаны к нему" . И кстати враг тоже будет общий, подумайте сами кто это, и откуда они появятся..

    • 3 days ago

    😮 do you think your government is crazy😮 they are cunning and intelligent beyond Your wildest comprehensions😮 The art of War by Sun Tzu draw your enemy into a trap😮 they surround us😮 with archaic nuclear weapons we have anti-gravity weapon reverse-engineered UFO technology most of the UFOs that are seen around the world are reverse engineered American technology😮 we are not the most powerful nation state on Earth we are the most powerful😮 human based technological power in the solar system😮

    • 3 days ago

    ахах главное ядерного оружия пока на крейсерах или на поднадке,а может и есть……………….а по факту то всем насрать вы американцы не любите нас руссуких,так что ловите ядерки вблизи своих городов и всем гражданам России будет насрать на вас как и вы смотрите на нас

    • 3 days ago


    • 3 days ago

    1:36 is that big ship the us ship that's trailing the russian ships which are the two little ones?

    • 3 days ago

    WW3 is just getting started🪖

    • 3 days ago

    РОССИЯ 🇺🇿🙏😬⚽😜🦅 приплыл к берегам Кубы 🇨🇺 чтобы смотреть кубок латинский Америки😂😂😂😂

    • 3 days ago

    What are US weapons doing si close to Russia?

    • 3 days ago

    Looks like there was damage to the sub during there visit. Time for a new captain. Maybe too much Vodka.

    • 3 days ago

    Wow Russian leader for All world

    • 3 days ago

    😮 seriously why are they saying and obviously the nuclear submarine has nukes of course😮 or biological weapons😮 why is this not a threat😮 because we have anti-gravity ships look up solar Warden😮 we have cylinders a mile long😮 capable of moving 4 times faster than the speed of light😮 and in some cases limited time travel😮 no nothing on this planet threatens us this is irrelevant is a game to us😮 and you all are our ponds😮

    • 3 days ago

    Ну всё, Американцы до дразнили Русского медведя.

    • 3 days ago

    "Big news" MSewerMedia
    What about…the big news about Palestinians being murdered month after month, managed by the west?

    • 3 days ago

    Vladimir Poutine for life Haiti love you so much

    • 3 days ago

    They say there is no evidence because they are scared to lie. Russia is not Iraq! If US fools around, they will get it. US only fight against the weak.

    • 3 days ago

    I believe God is in control, American need praying to God, Prophet Harry , already prophecy America country that He saw Submarine sent weapon in that Country .

    • 3 days ago

    Where are Rambo and Commando?

    • 3 days ago

    No….im tonyoung to die i just want to live I want to LIVE i want to live in japan ho to college fall in love and have a BEAUTIFUL son please god hear my plea do not let me die

    • 3 days ago

    This is all a distraction from the deep state democratic mafia to foul up the election

    • 3 days ago

    Who asked for this talking heads opinion? Just give us the facts as the Pentagon mouth piece.

    • 3 days ago

    Amerikkka, why dont you go pound for pound with Russia hahaha…

    • 3 days ago

    Yall ever notice the small handful of countries the U S always seems to “have problems with” are the ones the Rothschllds don’t own banks in? Russia & Cuba are 2 out of the 6. ❤️☀️

    • 3 days ago

    United states & Russia World War 3

    • 3 days ago

    In reverse: what are those US warships do so close to Russia?

    • 3 days ago

    Get those ships out. There's a bigger picture everyone is missing. How the the US is responding is the plan. To see what we do..

    • 3 days ago

    The Russians are certainly looking for places where Putin can flee to…..

    • 3 days ago

    putin just wanted America feel how it is to be when America and Nato displayed its forces on the Russian backyard. This is America tasting the awful dose of its own medicine.😂

    • 3 days ago

    Sabrina trans men?

    • 3 days ago

    BRICKS for life

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