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WPLG Local 10

    • 4 days ago

    Nasally destroyed!

    • 4 days ago

    Those scuba divers must be stupid., they could have retired with a new house and car.

    • 4 days ago

    Tip o' the iceberg.

    • 4 days ago

    They turned it in????

    • 4 days ago

    If you find that much coke don’t turn it in, you now have a new career my friend.

    • 4 days ago

    Save The Bales!!!!

    • 4 days ago

    The proverbial square grouper!!!!

    • 4 days ago

    They look like Nike sb shoes to me

    • 4 days ago

    That's coming home with me for sure 24 bricks 40k pounds I'm sorted !GATE13SW6CFCCREW Brixton CHELSEA

    • 4 days ago

    This is the difference between scuba diving and snorkling

    • 4 days ago

    Scuba divers are gay dude

    • 4 days ago

    Say nothing

    • 4 days ago

    That's drug abuse, in the wrong hands : (

    • 4 days ago

    i would gladly destroy those awful drugs with some baking soda, a little water and BAM! all of a sudden im holding my breath

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    All I ever get is crabs😂

    • 4 days ago

    Explain why did you turn it in

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    Why lord why not me?

    • 4 days ago

    When dealing with the Cartel’s I’m not sure I would broadcasted the business. That’s just me, I dunno.

    • 4 days ago

    Hey ! Hunter they missed their drop!

    • 4 days ago

    I would have been like. "Man …2 kilos washed up!"😂😂😂

    • 4 days ago

    Of course they found it n coke land aka florida 😂

    • 4 days ago

    Ok I’m on my way

    • 4 days ago

    Lol “Florida Keys”

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    Jesus I would have kept it and snorted half and sold half lol Pussys

    • 4 days ago

    …save the bales—- I mean the whales! 😂😂😂

    • 4 days ago

    That’s creating erratic shark behavior !

    • 4 days ago

    That's way more than 1,000,000 dollars worth..

    • 4 days ago

    This proves these people are stupid

    • 4 days ago

    Imagine you’re out there in the water. You reached down and check your phone, but there’s no signal. You decide you’ll turn the drugs in at the local Coast Guard station.

    Halfway there as you’re daydreaming about being the community hero you jolt as you hear a siren and a voice over the loud speaker say…”Stop your vessel and prepare to be boarded.”

    You’re all smiles as they board your boat and you point to the heaping mound of cocaine at your feet. They stare intensely at you as you softly say, “oh, I found these and was on my way to turn them in to you guys:)”

    “LET ME SEE YOUR MF HANDS!!!!!!!!!”

    • 4 days ago

    I would’ve walked on water 😂😂

    • 4 days ago

    It was actually a baker's dozen but when turned in 2 dozen 😂

    • 4 days ago

    Tattle titz

    • 4 days ago

    24 bricks….

    • 4 days ago

    Boarded Patrol:*Sniff* Sniff Yeah thats Cocaine…

    • 4 days ago

    Is easier to catch a kilo of cocaine in the Miami ocean than to catch a fish la merca de Maduro

    • 4 days ago

    a few keys of kilo found in the florida keys, DeSantis are you missing something?

    • 4 days ago

    And they reported yeah right I would have kept it for sure to sell

    • 4 days ago

    Meanwhile I find pennies on the beach

    • 4 days ago

    After BP gets it it goes to the CIA and is on the street in no time !

    • 4 days ago

    Move to the beach and save the Bale's

    • 4 days ago

    Are they mad.?? They could have made a mint.!!

    • 4 days ago

    Id say thats about 5-7 secconds worth of coke on American streets

    • 4 days ago

    Fake news. Lol

    • 4 days ago

    Kilo rgo

    • 4 days ago


    • 4 days ago

    Just think, someone was ptobably killed over that screw up.

    • 4 days ago

    Imagine keeping Sum for like research of one's own…😊

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