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    • 3 weeks ago

    Thanks Titus for having me on the show, it was great!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I'm weirdly glad to hear you sold your Tesla. Love that you walk the talk.

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    As for the trump interview it sounded more like he has his teeth out.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Gez! These companies names Magic Spoon sounds like a crack head heroin addicts idea of breakfast cereal ( gotta get out my Magic Spoon heat up frosted rocks for a breakfast fix) for that energy you need in the morning Magic Spoon.. Now new a flavor Turbo Smack!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Rachel you are beautiful my dear

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love the Titus Show. Ever thinking of doing another?

    • 3 weeks ago

    It's called The Carrington Event for the solar storm that took out power lines, morse code and radios in the 1859.

    • 3 weeks ago

    This show has NOT been ad-free.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Glue Donald keep the teeth tight

    • 3 weeks ago

    37:20 Reminds me of the first Apple. It had heat issues and the chips would pop out of the motherboards ๐Ÿ™‚ Apple's solution was to drop their thousand dollar computers to get the chips to reset into their slots. LOL

    • 3 weeks ago

    47:45 Keanu Reeves

    • 3 weeks ago

    At 36:25, they are talking about the Carrington Event. If that happened today, we would be boned.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Thank you and yours ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒน

    • 3 weeks ago

    @9:00 ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    • 3 weeks ago

    Yeah not only is he such a criminal he committed 4 crimes during the conversation. Trump is surrounded by lawyers that should be telling him he's breaking laws it's not like he's walking through the campaign without a guide. He doesn't think it applies to him.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Interesting seeing billionaire philanthropy confused with quality humanity (Bezos' ex not included b/c idk).
    Wonder how that would measure up to Dolly Parton's level of humanity. She could be a billionaire but didn't make the choices one must to make to get there.

    Almost feels like they have this guilt nibbling away at their soul and they go hard right in reaction, with some fear there that what they trampled on to amass such a fortune may get it taken from them. Like a dragon jealously guarding their hoard, torching all living things that approach. Love of wealth and power eats away your soul. The longer you pursue it, the less soul you have.

    • 3 weeks ago

    While I'm upset with George Clooney right now, Quentin Tarantino is that guy you know in High School who never grew up and just continues to say infuriating, outrageous stuff because it makes him think he looks cool and edgy. Who cares what Tarantino thinks about anything?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Holy shit!!!! It's amazing to see Garthok on the Armaggedon Update!!! What an amazing appearance!!!๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

    • 3 weeks ago

    Why do you say msnbc is owned by right wingers?โ€ฆ.itโ€™s owned by comcast, a publicly traded company no?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Titus likes need the same level as grease monkeys, but he had to be absolutely lost when Miller started talking video game lore and geek culture. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    I am absolutely loving this video (as usual) … chicken fil a also lies. They say their workers are all off on Sundays as well… no.. many places, the workers need to come in on Sunday to prep for the next day and to clean. Sometimes it is a 12 hour day. My brother worked at 1 in a high traffic area off an interstate, and I'd call him on a Sunday, and he would be at work. When the boss would leave, him and a few other workers would video chat their families and 9/10 they were at work on a Sunday. …. then they would get in trouble for being over hours as well. ๐Ÿ˜ข

    • 3 weeks ago

    Jason is the best!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I've always loved Jason's work, Godhead got me through a lot of my depressive teens/20's. Also with Chik-fil-A, I hate the politics of the owner and would love to steal their formula and then open a counter chicken restaurant franchise that IS open on Sundays.

    • 3 weeks ago

    This was the most recent video I came across.
    Omg Rachel and Christopher, Kennedy just stepped down and he's doing this speech on tv and has babbling a bunch of words that are not really making any sense or point.
    And they thought that it was a good choice to put him in charge of the country.
    He's sounds like he's coming unglued.
    Shit, this guy looks as scary as he sounds.
    You are giving facts and it's honest, and it's cool to find two, well three, down to earth people who share the same political views. I rant around my cute little apartment cussing about anything the MAGA A-holes.
    I really appreciate your podcast.
    Oh god, he's on again.
    Well, I should stop. Later ๐Ÿ˜Š

    • 3 weeks ago

    BTW, I liked the podcast. I liked quite a few of your podcasts. The three of you feed of each other and the result is a great show.
    Enjoy your vacation.

    • 3 weeks ago

    1:16:00 It was sort of marketing but more taking responsibility for consequences, there was a decision a while back to stop having any form of noun in disease names because of the sharp uptick in violence against anything attached to a disease people are scared of. They can't control the unofficial names jerks like Trump make but it was decided they didn't have to give panicked crowds any more targets to blindly lash out at.

    • 3 weeks ago

    dolly parton! its all about the person, a narc is a narc with or without money having money just means they can be more open about it. and musk was never broke either.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Kamala slept her way to the top. She is a ding bat in my opinion. Trump is a liar and cheat too. Obama said that both sides cheats in the elections. Neither is honest.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Kumallover harris is anti gun. Anti 2nd.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Pure shilajit is AWESOME!.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Dennis Quaid was in the movie day after tomorrow and became big into stuff like that .

    • 3 weeks ago

    I heard the nabj started late because trump wouldnt allow real time fact checking. HARRIS ๐Ÿ’™WALZ 2024 โšก๐Ÿฆˆ I'LL TAKE THE SHARK EVERY TIME.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Guinness tastes like lawn clippings…

    • 3 weeks ago

    Hey! Shout out to Rachel Maddow's history podcasts!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I just saw your video "Arm the children!"
    Wow, you are multi-talented!โค

    • 3 weeks ago

    Caffeine free coffee is like non-alchoholic beer.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Mark Cuban is asking Elon Musk to post X's algorithm source code

    • 3 weeks ago

    Not sure where it comes from but seems many of the rich have a huge insecurity issue . No matter how much they aquire or accomplish they are still insecure .

    • 3 weeks ago

    Elmo is soooo uncool!

    • 3 weeks ago

    How is it even possible that this concept is real? The fact that you have the UAW on one side and citizens united on the other side, both focused on jumping down Elon Musk and Donald Trump for having a crappy X interview. You cannot be more on opposite sides of the fence on this UAW, a labor union force. On the other side, citizens united the most corrupt nonprofit used by the rich elite companies to fund campaigns.

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