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KG I think Trinibad is missing that modern day ‘party time’. A platform, a stage like how they did synergy soca star/magnum kings & queens or even the Caribbean musiccon youth stage, to give the upcoming youths a chance to show talent and experience stage performance… I feel you, Punz & a female could be the judges/advice givers, allyuh would just need to set certain audition rules, they could sing badness but no dissing etc…. Trinibad also need a sumfest/sting for the established artists…. You could take the show to tv or have more freedom posting the show on your channel. Just an idea for the culture
Tafari the son of the king need to come next
It’s Still the Kings Era …. Still Living Still going …# myArtist
One of the best interview…..
Chinese laundry make the dub history popular that will
Be someone to get -
Kg i like the legends interviews they is the ones that got me hooked on trini reggae extensions trinibad
should do a interview with i-Sasha
Kazim was bad with gold teeth i had two
Interview tafari
Big up King David and de east side every time!
Mad interview Kings!!!
Does bring back the memories of being a young trini creative and seeing men getting through in industry for singing something other than soca …
IT Gave all who wanted to be heard for whatever genre they enjoy creating hope and justification for the struggle.
Much like what Trinibad is doin for the youths of today.
It giving them the confidence to believe in themselves and chase down what ever their dreams are, no matter how big the mountain is to move to get to the other side, if you push your self hard enough you might have a chance at success!!!!And its not only success, your getting acceptance of trini's singing Dancehall and sharing the popularity of the genre on the international stage.
The so called "fight down" of the genre or the context of the music, will most likely fuel some to push harder and some to give up, but if we work with each other to build and support the music and musicians I'm sure our countries Music Industry will be 10 time more developed, ten times more popular which in turn mean "MORE MONEY MAKING!!!"
Let's all be smart with one nah!!! Leh we doctor this situation different nah!!!
This will impact our children's future, either positive or negative, based on our approach.This time leh we clam our throne in the creative space in the ecosystem of the World Music Industry.
They say dream big, if they think your crazy, you might be on to something.
RESPECT KG and King David!!!! Strength and guidance.
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