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Pints With Aquinas

    • 3 weeks ago

    Ppl in the west blame god rather then blame the priests that did em wrong. I alwats say the priest is only human n sometimes they too get possessed..compassion…ppl have become more inconsequential then ever bc they need to see it to believe it! Te church priest n nuns went all molesting kids for a few hundred yrs..peope need to be educated by the bible 1st b4 reading any other book!

    • 3 weeks ago

    My neighbors are bad. But, I haven't seen them crawl up walls yet. Does God make them do that cause they're nervous?

    • 3 weeks ago

    I have a hard time trusting most people that talk about God cause they do wrong to me a lot of times.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I bought a book called the witch's craft book cause I wanted to catch the Christian's acting ungodly toward me.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Has anyone else found the Paramount TV series "Evil" fascinating and seductive?

    • 3 weeks ago

    My friend showed me a photograph taken by her friend. She was standing outside her home it was dusk. She took a photo of the front of her house . Her window had a reflective film on it and she was caught in the photo. She wascsurrounded by demons. Never in my life have i ever seen anything like this. At her feet there was a skull . ( not blurred not oh it looks a bit like a skull it WAS a skull). There was a demon on her left tail visible there was like a funnel coming out of her head and another demon by her side. I could not shake that image for days. It wasnt a hoax it was very real. I was shocked and scared .

    • 3 weeks ago

    If a demon caused a persons head to spin around, the person would die. I’ve never heard of a case like that..

    • 3 weeks ago

    Matt pushes back with the best of them…but sometimes I think he over does it and hurts the value brought by inviting the guests for their message in the first place. Doubters are gonna doubt regardless of the proof and the church shouldn’t be putting on spectacle exorcisms live on YouTube just because of them

    • 3 weeks ago

    As I listen, I ponder about deeper issues for believers.
    For instance, how does the demonic behave around Lukewarm christians? What scriptures show us how to draw deeper into our faith? Do believers have demonic encounters because they are pursuing holy lives? I just think we have an opportunity to talk more about a common problem- the demonic in the life of a lukewarm believer.

    • 3 weeks ago

    When does he believe the rapture will take place?

    • 3 weeks ago

    This world is so evil now. People are turning their back on God. 😢

    • 3 weeks ago

    Deception. Division. Distraction or Diversion. Despair. Brilliant. As an evangelical pastor, I find this an excellent exposition on how darkness progresses in our lives. We have focused the Lord's ministry entrusted to us in teaching the Word of God in context and focusing on pursuing God in prayer & worship. When the Church of Christ, among all denominations, ground itself in the Word of God and prayer according to the Word of God, we will be equipped to avoid the deception that gets us started down this cycle our brother-in-Christ is explaining so well. Love and blessings!

    • 3 weeks ago

    The pope is anatema. He is one of the antichrists, not THE Antichrist.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Maybe people are turning away from the church organization because of all the disgusting things the church has done to their very followers. People can be spiritual without participating in a corrupt, immoral institution.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Where did a man fight a woman in the Olympics? As a Catholic it would be great if we stopped falling for hateful propaganda. We’re supposed to spread love not hate and lies

    • 3 weeks ago

    Adam was given dominion over this planet. When he chose to obey the serpent instead of His Creator he gave over dominion of this planet to the serpent and his cohorts. That is why Satan is called “the god of this world” in the New Testament. That is why when the devil tempts Jesus and shows Him all of the kingdoms of the world he tells Jesus that they are his because they were given to him and he can give them to whoever he chooses. Until the Anointed One (Christ Jesus) returns Satan continues to usurp mankind’s dominion. “Satan has blinded the minds of those who do not believe.”
    Jesus sent His disciples out to make more disciples throughout the world. Those who believe the Good News will be saved and those whose reject the Good News of what Christ has done for us will go to everlasting destruction. Jesus said it, not me. What about those who never heard the name of Jesus? I believe that our God gives everyone a chance to accept or reject the Lordship of Jesus. We do not have a full understanding of how this is done but we do know that our God is just.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I have saved this video so I can listen and watch again and again. -And this video is over 2hrs long.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Hey, at 00:33 there's a mic issue. It sounds like you are letting J.J. Abrams tap your mic incessantly like he is known to do. It's awful and salacious and its like you are rooting for the demons 33 seconds into the video with that crap. Makes me think it's about clicks and making fun of the church to ypu guys. Not much else. Just go fund a haunted house with a bunch of infantile teens if that's what your all about. J.J. would treat the subject with more respect than that. Sheesh children.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love this pod cast, thank you Father, Son and Holy spirit for all this information.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I dident grow up in a christian family, and i want to know how do i find God? how do i know that God is in my life? i want to get him into my life. Thank you for answer.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I used the Ouija board when I was younger. And met a demon that gave me 4 wishes. I talked to a demonologist recently. And he claimed that it was a genie demon. You wanna hear more reply.

    I’m not sure if you guys ever heard of a show called The Confessionals by Tony Merkel. He wants me to come on his show. It’s a YouTube channel.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I've always wondered if what is labeled, Torrents Syndrome, especially ones that use vile words, might be demon possession.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Jesus didn’t use the devil. He asked GOD to rebuke him. I think we should simply try to imitate Jesus. I don’t know how scary it is to be under the influence of demons, it’s not my place. All I know is that you pray to GOD and Jesus to save us.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The Vatican is demonic dont let them.fool you. They have the most powerful telescope in the world , named after their true Master. LUCIFER.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Weird how a Catholic with tons of idols and talking to the dead which the Bible rejects can know so much about the supernatural but not basics the Bible says don’t do. Literally a penis or obelisk in Vatican square smh gross

    • 3 weeks ago

    The demonic is real. Objectively real spirits exist. I haven't seen ppl spider walking or levitating but I've seen enough 'intelligent' haunting phenomena to know demons are real. Every Catholic should own a book of deliverance prayers.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I think muscle testing is something in scientology

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