About the author

Michelle Gibson

    • 3 months ago

    Why don't all you genious people adopt the other genious conclusion of crater Earth and drop the space balls fable. You could actually get somewhere.

    • 3 months ago

    your work inspires me daily. #charesformosa

    • 3 months ago

    I like your collabs, it is easier to understand/follow you 🙂.

    • 3 months ago

    Any more, no pun, if you find very little or no information on a people you can count on someone instigating it.
    I think, and I think that you have shown that the Moor's were in N. America also. I can't imagine all these gigantic buildings lying around in the 12 or 1300s and no one occupying them.

    • 3 months ago

    Thank you very much, Michelle – this is so interesting 💗
    Mauretania – Maures: they also inhabited the Iberian Peninsula. I wonder if the Mauretanian Kingdom was destroyed by atomic weapons in the 15 or 16hundreds…

    • 3 months ago

    Thank you Michelle. I love this topic, and I live in the governorat of Sousse – greetings from Tunisia👋

    • 3 months ago

    My travels around Europe and north Africa and visiting UNESCO sites has revealed to me that UNESCO is simply a badge of deception.
    They are simply a historical fraud. Everything they touch they distort and create a historical Disneyland version of what is really there. 
    Wherever the UNESCO name is shown be sure that it's somewhere vitally important in understanding our history,, but sure as hell it's not what they tell you it is.

    Alas this is the world we live in. 🙏🏻

    • 3 months ago

    My lineage is Cypriot, Nicosia is an eleven pointed star city, you can still see what is left of the walls from altitude,,, the fortified city of Famagusta mirrors Malta, and the fort in Kyrenia are both still in good condition.

    We also have the added pleasure of both American, and British bases all over the island, you cannot drive from one side of the island to the other without encountering them somewhere along the way.

    What you have explained herein is accurate, and without fault, you are a real gem.

    It would not surprise me if an underground trainline ran from Malta, to Kyrenia, and on through to Tripoli North Africa…

    • 3 months ago

    Crazy how hollywood always inserts the truth in their movies. Great research Michelle, thank you.

    • 3 months ago

    Thank you Michelle, for all your sincere research. There are so many lies woven into this incredible tapistry of history , and what a work to correct it at least a bit. Also the history of what is nowadays called Germany that suffered so heavily and is stigmatised is very, very interesting , and Helgoland, and Friesenland etc, etc. It goes on and and on. Sometimes it looks like that certain beings at certain times try to wipe out our history, and or ,try to change it, by for exmple create new stage sttings

    • 3 months ago

    Thankyou Michelle

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

    Yes Tunis is absolutely beautiful!! Great people, great restaurants, great shopping markets. Susa is baren, but has one of the largest masjids in the world. It's majestic but makes you wonder why it's simply in the middle of nowhere.

    Nonetheless, it's a great country and I plan on going back very soon.

    • 3 months ago

    I've been in Sousse (Soos pronounced), Monastir (monastary) and Tunis.. mostly as those places are the only places with something to look at (including natural environment).
    It really feels like a apocalyptic scene over there (destruction).
    But what jumped out the most (to me personally) was the fact that the locals are really, really not fond of "europeans"/westerners, and would even go into a fist fight with me out of jealousy (i was there with beautiful 2 women).
    The whole population is being westernized against their will (sort of) and the populated areas are being transformed into paradises for "the richer" people of the flat plane, and that's exactly how they feel. They are forced to choose for more "modern" jobs like Photographer, Guide, Hotel Employee, Piccolo, bar personnel aso..
    I must include that one of the most eye opening moments in my life was when a (over) 90 year old lady in full coverage made
    pita bread for our group in a by camel excrements made above ground oven, garnished with some freshly made sambal, and a slice of tomato. She was happy. She didn't need a phone. Nor a modern store. Nor plastics. Nor Email. Nor anything but space, shelter and time to prepare and eat her meals. The "money" she made probably even got taken by the organizers of the trips..
    Which a guide confirmed to me afterwards.
    This guide was an extraordinary man. He also was forced to work in tourism, because there was nothing else (anymore).
    This man traversed Europe and took on many jobs, mostly in the darker areas of society, like bouncers, hitmen, and such..
    He had stab wounds and lots of tattoos, which i found pretty incredible for "poor locals" (before i heard his life story).
    As this was a long time ago, i didn't have the knowledge i have now, but still, i had a considerable amount of years spend on research in the metaphysical when i spoke with that man, and i couldn't believe how far and how deep he could follow in conversations about history and what happened (or not) and what they tried to put down as facts for them to 'accept'
    dogmatically. He knew more as a local beach guard and camel travelling guide than ANY of my european connections at that time. Amazing.
    We probably destroyed all they had left of farming and such, as we always do, and everywhere.

    • 3 months ago

    Brilliant experience with explorations of geographic…signature..thankyou..being such navigator..classic sister of this exposition…pearl of reality..

    • 3 months ago

    Exquisite work as always! Very inspiring

    • 3 months ago

    You should do a deep dive into toroidal or vortex mathematics versus base 10 hexadecimal versus base 612 math and the role that altering the way we do math has played in the public consciousness in the paradigm. I believe it's just as equally important as the historical narrative. Because thinking in the base 10, almost seems to embody scarcity whereas thinking with math only using one through nine and no such thing as zero seems like the math of infinite abundance

    • 3 months ago

    I am an American who lived in Cabo Verde in 2017. In the mountains we saw an ancient Dogon settlement, and there are many out of place ancient walls. There is a massive star fort as well.

    At the time, I was not aware of "old world" theories. But now I think back and can recognize what I saw.

    Cabo Verde is a beautiful country with wonderful people! Every island unique!

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

    Having cross-country bicycled this area of North Africa, back in 1974, I can attest to the existence of huge aqueducts, recently ruined, in the areas of Oran and leading North to the sea. Having scrutinized the area, at close hand, I'm still at a loss as to what Patton and Rommel were, supposedly, fighting over, during WW2. (cover for ruination/obliteration of ancient artifacts?)

    • 3 months ago

    Great job Michelle, I’m in Tunisia now. 👍🏼

    • 3 months ago

    I’d love to know more about Islam.

    I realized awhile ago that the RCC infiltrated and subverted whatever more ancient form of what became Christianity

    I recall long ago when I first lived in chilaga driving north on lake .. I was speechless when I saw the Baha’i temple for first time. I’d heard of the Sufi’s but never Baha’i. I’m convinced their temple is the admin building from
    Chicago world fair they dismantled then rebuilt as temple .. no proof but looks very similar with same unique egg shaped dome

    But seems there’s a secretive group that may have originated in Babylon then kha. Zar. Ia

    The name tends to draw the great eye of Sauron so forgive the coding

    But seems a LOT of our modern Bible was removed and at this point I find I long for Jesus but consider the Bible compromised and unreliable

    Seems their r older forms of Christianity in Ireland, Ethiopia and throughout Northern Europe

    Not sure when Jesus as we call him came to be.. seems an amalgamation of Mithras and Apollo and others but for me excavating Jesus is a focus

    I often think of a lot of this in chakra terms. We are clearly based in the lower chakras now re zeitgeist. Some of us experience higher levels but hard to maintain as we r a harmonic people

    I imagine if we were all vibrating around the heart center much of the worlds problems would fade out of dominant reality

    I think the pyramids, cathedrals, trees, etc sll somehow kept our consciousness higher

    Maybe the trees did that and the cathedrals and such were attempt to restore what was destroyed..

    It’s fascinating

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