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    • 2 weeks ago

    Oh shocker, the media is the PR arm of the DNC and it’s worth billions. Charge all of it as campaign contributions

    • 2 weeks ago

    This concept / format is the future of political media, and proves that polarized humans in civil dialogue is addictive after the echo chambers of the last decade have played themselves out. Bravo!

    • 2 weeks ago

    Basically the democrats will vote in a ham sandwich to remain in power – 2 way is very one sided bias to the democrats, as is most of the main stream media – Harris is the Ham Sandwich – simple as this – I have no allegiance to Trump, no skin in the game however am centre right conservative – surely the democrat disaster to the normal citizen is a fact? how can the normal USA citizen be ignored like this – why does it take a Trump to move the narrative back to the middle? mindblowing

    • 2 weeks ago

    There was no Democratic primary. The DNC did not support debates. Biden's neurological condition was covered up. Biden drops out after the fake primaries. Kamala Harris was anointed in a backroom deal, with no voters casting a vote. The Democratic primary voters were disrespected and disregarded. Democracy was undermined and given the finger. Our corrupt party system (DNC & RNC) must be abandoned.

    • 2 weeks ago

    The fact that Democrats can’t see a Kelly VP pick would be seen as racial pandering this close to Election Day is telling of how out of touch they are.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Lol the majority of working class people are voting trump. Indont know where you find these people

    • 2 weeks ago

    What the former speaker does not understand is that the “radical left” is the center left today.

    Kamala is centrist now.

    I was a left progressive when I started voting in 2004, but Gen Z has moved the center and they have zero intention of stopping.

    • 2 weeks ago

    The Harris honeymoon will wear off in a couple weeks watch

    • 2 weeks ago

    Who in their right mind would have picked Harris six months ago to carry the Democrat torch?

    • 2 weeks ago

    Refreshing to hear people talk openly about media bias. It was important to talk about Fox News during the Bush years and just as important to talk about MSNBC, CNN, WaPo and NYT today. I hope at some point in the future journalists will stop taking political positions and report on stories from both sides of the divide.

    • 2 weeks ago

    I'm a democrat. I can not vote for a party that I believe tried to murder a former President.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Newt Gingrich is an absolute gem.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Why is no one focusing on the likely active hurricane season this fall as a possible factor in the presidential race? The 2004 hurricane season greatly helped Bush and if Kamala shows up in Red states with compassion I think she does indeed win a state like North Carolina. I am a two time Trump voter and future third time btw

    • 2 weeks ago

    Kamala 24

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thank you Michael for talking about inflation Everyone I know is struggling to put food on the table it’s frightening.
    These politicians address it as an afterthought

    • 2 weeks ago

    If you need a definition on „San Francisco Radical“, you don’t not nothing about politics and your perspective is valid, but not important in an analytical sense.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Ask Newt – Do you think that Trump's convictions on fraud, rape and his efforts on January 6 events are forgotten by the electorate? Will Harris bring these issues into focus along with the abortion issue?

    • 2 weeks ago

    Mark it’s not great to notice the corporate media’s influence and then parrot their talking points. 2way is just a liberal fever dream.

    • 2 weeks ago

    I don’t like Trump, but it frightens me to see the enthusiasm for a democrat candidate that is sooo deeply flawed on real important issues. Is a talentless, inarticulate, unintelligent, ultra progressive candidate what America needs? Did we all forget that 5 minutes ago her approval ratings were in the low 30%? There was a reason for such low approval. Omg, do ppl care about this country anymore?!

    • 2 weeks ago

    Not picking someone because they are Jewish? This is where the Democratic Party is at now?
    I’ll vote for mean tweets over antisemitism.

    • 2 weeks ago

    I wish some prominent Republican would argue the abortion issue on its merits and not just its popularity, ie it’s a moral issue. People love abortion because they want the freedom to have fun at the cost of killing another human being…Period.

    • 2 weeks ago

    I just dont see Kamala energizing anyone but the base in already very blue areas. Most people here in Michigan suburbs do not have favorable opinions of her. Yes it will raise fundraising but unless she comes out with very centrist policy positions the democrat positions are what is unpopular.

    • 2 weeks ago

    “I don’t know if I trust her as President but I don’t care.”
    Love the analytic mind of the Dem voter.

    • 2 weeks ago

    3:25 i think it’s silly to compare VP Harris to Candidate Obama. Where Kamala’s the butt of every joke, Barrack is always dignified

    • 2 weeks ago

    A vote for Trump is a vote for a candidate selected by lower class citizens

    • 2 weeks ago

    How many times have we seen a re-introduction of Kamala Harris? Yawn. I’m not buying it.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Newt Gingrich seems to have a very selective memory of US history. McGovern was running against an incumbent during a war. He started off very low in the polls (in the 30s) and remained there. The "enthusiasm" was limited to the anti-war movement. And he was running against pre-Watergate Nixon. Here Trump is not an incumbent, the country is not at war (only supporting allies in theirs) and Harris is the "semi-incumbent" going against a post Jan-6 convicted felon Trump with a very unpopular VP (first in history to start with negative favorability right after his nomination!)

    • 2 weeks ago

    She needs to STOP LAUGHING!

    • 2 weeks ago

    We were 1/4 inch away from having two candidates not a single person voted for.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Regarding Plouffe being worth $100m – really? From my book, & a direct quote: "100 percent" Clinton would win in 2016. Said the boy genus. I wrote that on page 285. He said that RIGHT before the vote. Yeah, okay.

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