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The ObserverTT

    • 3 weeks ago

    Every year people come on talking about the same damn thing – Warner Rowley friend never seen inside a jail cell – he felt sick and ended up bailing out in a medical facility – – no big boy ever goes to jail

    • 3 weeks ago

    The detection rate is, and has always been poor for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes a crime may be committed during the night when people are asleep. But even it a crime were to be committed in broad daylight, in front of scores of people, none will be willing to offer evidence, because he/she would be required to attend court over many years, after the case has started! But the majority of cases do not begin within a reasonable timeframe. Many times defence lawyers ,as well as the prosecutors, ask and are granted adjournments on numerous occasions,simply by saying that they are to be engaged in other matters in other courts, or that the lawyers or defendants, or witnesses were ill ! S0ometimes the main witnesses cannot be found, or they recant their testimony, or are threatened or eliminated! When an accused is on bail, witnesses have to be rearful! And witout witnesses, the cases cannot proceed. Even policeofficers have to attend court everytime, failing which, many times the cases are thrown out! Even when a criminal is convicted, the penalty may be a fine, or a relatively short jail term, and on release, they are looking for the persons that gave evidence against them! Would that ever change? Never!

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