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Todos los reportajes de allá , ni dicen el nombre de las calles, no identifico nada, además hablan de pesos cubanos y no sabemos el equivalente
15$ a month,thanks USA
Smokers everywhere,they don't have money to buy food but have money to buy cigars and cigarete,how nasty my friend
Cuba imported 20 milliones dollar in cars for no long time ago,my friend
This is the democrat's vision for America.
pour un fois un film reportage qui n'est n'est pas uniquement anti-communiste
viva cuba ! -
Como se ha destruido nuestra capital de nuestro país Cuba 😢
Hola Amigo, Dios te bendiga; felicitarte por tu trabajo , y animarte a buscar a Dios, mediante Jesús de Nazaret el hijo de Dios, quien murió por ti, por mi y por toda la humanidad y resucito al 3er día…Búscale con arrepentimiento sincero y serás salvo y ganaras la vida eterna……..dice la santa BIBLIA Mateo 16:26
26 ¿qué aprovechará al hombre, si ganare todo el mundo, y perdiere su alma? ¿O qué recompensa dará el hombre por su alma?…….
Thank God I wasn't born in Cuba
Araçatuba, where I live, you're full of this, it bothers me, there's no domain competence here, it bothers people who are working
If so, I want people who are looking for more to be able to go away and worship God, and the first step is to tell me which church this is. I want to know which church this is. There are a lot of people who don't.
I want people there to inform me, please inform me how many churches there are there evangelical churches there are only evangelicals
Name of Jesus I rebuke every spirit of soneira website of me get out of that shirt here you cannot penetrate here in the name of Jesus I have no connection with you spirits you are from the cell I
We cannot only think about the physical life but also about the spiritual body in the spiritual life that this woman must also be taken care of and cultivated, so I want
One more live, bringing good news, right, good news about physical victory, social victory, spiritual victory, I also want to be informed about the evangelical churches there are here on the island, right?
And if your conscience goes out, right?
So guys, this morning it's Vitória's tomorrow, tomorrow's work fight, but I forgot what we have in the afternoon, it's still right, in the afternoon there's a chance in the morning and everything stays
La Russie ne peut pas investir pour que les batiments de la Havane soient renovés ?
Looks like Cuba lacking of clothes
It looks like a lot of decay in a lot of places. Its a shame. The architecture is beautiful.
what about some good cuban cigars?
Amazing beautiful country and people=
Un pais destruido pobre cubanos
Xin chào đất nước Cuba tôi rất yêu đất nước Cuba tôi là người vietnam❤
que padre no se ven drogadictos tirados en las calles como en holiwood o los angeles, verdad?
Shanty towns are everywhere on the planet in England France usa etc
… -
We would like to see the background England or france things are not Always shiny
God save IND from Indians and thier religion
Economy is finished destroyed
My son just came back from Cuba. Very sad, he said… Wonderful people, yes, indeed. 📌
Clip 2-3 beautiful womans,showing cars from 50’s, show dirty roads and buildings ready to fall down.. yeah that’s the true Cuba that everyone dreams to leave and living in another country.
That’s for the amazing video -
Sin duda cuando la pesadilla social-comunista acabe en Cuba habrá mucho trabajo por hacer.
Su gobierno los tiene sometidos y ellos no son capaces de alzarse contra el. Se quejaban cuando pertenecian a España y ya se ve que ahora viven mejor.
Cuba so lacking of basic essentials, it's a mess
L'inperialisme américain a dépassé les bornes vraiment ici au Cuba !