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Unexplained Mysteries

    • 2 months ago

    My partner thought it would be romantic to whisk me away for a weekend getaway. It was lovely until he realized I packed more snacks than lingerie. Priorities, right🍒

    • 2 months ago

    I eat azz

    • 2 months ago

    Real tridactyl beings, no fakes. Scientific peer-reviewed evidence from X-Rays, DICOM CT scans, DNA results and professional medical assessments from different scientists. Excellent video.👌

    • 2 months ago

    How long ago were these petroglyphs found, and photographs taken..

    Just wondering if these were new additions to the rock paintings.

    • 2 months ago

    The glyphs were previously known, these “mummies” were had to match the drawings 3:22

    • 2 months ago

    You are still sharing Fake as hell pics of the Paper Mache Alien? WTF

    • 2 months ago

    I believe in the work that international scientists are doing on the nazca mummies.
    The results should be soon.
    Apparently they are not alien.
    This leads me to believe that they are in fact life forms descended from the dinosaur period.
    The Silurian hypothesis.
    The early information we have with the ct scans of eggs would point to this.
    I like this channel but the narrator would be well advised to cut the waffle,provide the information and do shorter videos if he cannot fill them.
    I turn off regularly because of the inflated buffoonery.

    • 2 months ago

    It would be a product of deductive reasoning that reptillian life forms would prefer jungle type environment or at least a hot one.
    To this day central and south america are ground zero for ovni reports and high strangeness.

    • 2 months ago

    I have tried to share this on facebook but no they refuse to let me i wonder why?

    • 2 months ago

    If these extraterrestrials actually lived with this primitive Native American tribe, the question is why would they do this? Extraterrestrials that can cross light years of distance would live with stone age people, why?

    • 2 months ago

    There is absolutely nothing at all that's suggest these are aliens

    • 2 months ago

    There is nothing I want more than to have complete and full disclosure about everything that is being sequestered and I hope that the nonhuman mummies are real. But there is just as much calling them a hoax as there are people saying real. But as for the petroglyphs, they look way too fresh to be a thousand years old. Just look at how white the carved stone looks. Someone please show us pictures of the carvings from even 10 years ago and I will publicly admit that I’m wrong

    • 2 months ago

    What a three year old really looks like an acts like .😂

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

    In old UFO books before disclosure there was an interview of a doctor who said that he was on an Alien autopsy. This was before the various Alien Autopsy films. He described finding technology integrated in with the biological tissues of the beings. This looks like written accounts from an Alien autopsy.

    • 2 months ago

    I bet them three fingered mummies can throw a baseball

    • 2 months ago

    Peru 🇵🇪 Mummies are Hoax There No Proof Aliens Body

    • 2 months ago

    Maybe I missed it but what about DNA that would tell for sure right

    • 2 months ago

    Nice thx! 👍👍👍

    • 2 months ago

    Has anyone noted possible similarities between these findings and the being reported in the Virginia alien incident in Brazil where a UFO crashed

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