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    • 2 hours ago

    This was hillarious😂 You missed another sin of martin the retard. Hes on youtube admiting to stealing an employees wallet, then laughing about it because the kid was a liberal. He is pathetic.

    • 2 hours ago

    love you too Saint

    • 2 hours ago

    This is "OSAS is a license to sin," level purposeful ignorance. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is the only unforgivable sin. Anderson doesn't preach that sodomy is unforgivable. No one in the NIFB does. You do not understand this doctrine. A reprobate is someone who blasphemes the Holy Ghost. John 12:37-40. Why would God blind the eyes of people who would otherwise believe? They were never going to believe. Salvation is about belief, and damnation is about unbelief. What is the deciding factor in John 3:18? Belief. Why? Because Jesus paid for EVERY sin. So why then is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost unpardonable? Because it's about belief. God isn't going to force salvation on you, like Calvinists would have you belief, you have free will to make that choice. God does override people's free will though, like with Pharaoh, hardening his heart, because Pharaoh hardened his own heart. God literally swallowed Korah into Hell while he was still alive. Jude 1:7 The Sodomite is set forth as an example of an unsaved person, because they are consumed by their pride, and it takes humility to be saved, to admit you can't earn it, that nothing you do could ever be good enough to merit salvation, as if God owed you something. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says outright that people there's who committed the sin of sodomy and got saved. Sodomy is a symptom of blaspheming the Holy Spirit, not the cause. Serial killing is a symptom, not the cause. Pedophilia is a symptom, not the cause. God writes his laws in every man's heart, but he's not going to force them to stay there. Someone can reject their own conscience, and without a conscience, you cannot be saved, because the law is what points us to the fact that we need a savior, as Romans 3:19 says. 2 Timothy 3:6-8 "For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and NEVER ABLE to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." Jannes and Jambres were Pharaoh's sorcerers. Are they in heaven? What does it mean to be rejected concerning the faith? And why is Egypt the picture here? They were told the truth, and they hated it. They rejected it, even as God was pouring out symbols of his wrath upon them. The Bible records that some Egyptians went with the Hebrews, such as Joseph's family. You know why? Because they believed. They had the blood on the doorpost. You can't reject God for eternity and be saved. Belief is the deciding factor. And just like you can know a son of God from their fruits, you can know a son of Belial from the thorns and briers, because they have nothing good in them. There's no good thing in the flesh, and the only part of an unsaved person that is any good is their God-given conscience. Without that, they have no love in them, and nothing to inhibit them from any wicked thing. They're filled will all unrighteousness, because without God-given morality, all that's left is unrighteousness. 2 Timothy 4:2. Catholics can't buy their loved ones a ticket out of hell, and there's a point where it is too late for the unbeliever. My dad died in April due to Parkinson's disease. One of the last things he did with a clear mind was blaspheme God, as he was in the hospital, dying. There was a point that he was mentally incapable of understanding, and I specifically prayed for the opposite. The stress of it nearly killed me. If I'm wrong, show me with the Bible where I'm mixing faith and works, and get me saved. Show me where a son of Belial gets saved in the Bible. Show me where someone with the mark(seal) of the beast gets saved in the Bible, and I'll repent.

    • 2 hours ago

    Fire HOOD, love you brother

    • 2 hours ago

    This is why secularism was always the only solution. Christian nationalism is inherently incoherent because everyone has a different idea of the "correct" Christianity.

    • 2 hours ago

    Republican? Carl Martin is a RINO. He is a chronically unemployed pathological liar and absentee father on medicaid. He doesn't pay child support or even attempt to see his 2 children. He also lives in sin with a mother of 5, but he lives to tell everyone on the internet what terrible people they are. Very Christian.

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