About the author

Caribbean Charm Gardening

    • 2 weeks ago

    Lovely havest, good job

    • 2 weeks ago

    Your garden is looking amazing, showers of blessing the garden will appreciate it.

    • 2 weeks ago

    You have a wonderful variety of plants in your garden, Abi! Well done. I feel your pain with the critters helping themselves to your fruits! 😫👍🏾🤩🐶

    • 2 weeks ago

    Everything is green and lush there. 🌿🌱

    • 2 weeks ago

    Hi it is my first time on your channel and I have just subscribed to you. Your garden is looking great. I am so excited about the eggs, they are so big. All the best on this journey.

    • 2 weeks ago

    Nice looking natural garden

    • 2 weeks ago

    Your garden is producing better than mines right now so be encourage

    • 2 weeks ago

    Nice onion havest,

    • 2 weeks ago

    Love you r garden,keep up the good work,do you give seeds. away

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