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Bjorn in Afrika

    • 3 weeks ago

    Why do St Kitts and Nivis still have it?

    • 3 weeks ago

    Next time you will know to fill out the form ahead of time.

    • 3 weeks ago

    One of the major objectives of this online immigration form is to facilitate smooth traffic on arrival. To achieve this adjectives the forms are designed to be filled on line before boarding. I did same last year before I arrived the same airport and my interactions with the immigration was seamless and completely hassle free. The airlines has to devise a means to alert their passengers the of importance of filling out the forms online before departure. Attempts to embark on filling out the forms at the point of arrival is going to be chaotic.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Communication is key. I came from there last year March, and I was aware of the filling out of the form prior.

    • 3 weeks ago

    There is nothing wrong with the online form. I filled it in before I travelled. Those who did not fill it in before you travel made the queue longer. You get the reply the same day.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I had this same issue in May.. I was confused. Vex and tired. The customer service was good. The staff helped me out. Interestingly when you leave you don't need to fill out no form on line…I return back in July, but this time i remember days before to fill out the form on line….

    • 3 weeks ago

    The form is not a Covid form the fight to use the entrance kiosks in Miami is way more chaos!

    • 3 weeks ago

    The firm is not new it’s been there a couple of years, you just travel the first time since it has been in effect. You should have filled it out in the airport in your departure. Now you know better.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I filled mine out online before I arrived and I got the confirmation few minutes after. I had no hassle at the airport and everything was quick and smoothe

    • 3 weeks ago

    I am a frequent traveler and this has been in place since COVID it’s very easy to full out online and the reply normally comes back soon but a lot of people who doesn’t travel frequently would not be aware of. I understand that all the Caribbean countries are putting in effect this same system.

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