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    • 2 hours ago

    Asia's Nachi 🐒🐒

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Japanazzi ~!!

    • 2 hours ago

    관동대지진때 일본인들에게 힉살당한 조선인 얘기는 왜 빠졌는가? 편협하게 제작된 다큐멘터리로 근대 일본 제국주의가 저질렀던 위안부, 강제징용, 학살등을 알아야만 그들이 전쟁에서 질 수밖에 없었는지를 알게된다.

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    Not 36 million, It says 39 million people

    • 2 hours ago

    정의와 자유는 승리한다.

    • 2 hours ago

    The neon lights 9:18 of those years.

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    What a great documentary ! Thank you very much for sharing it with us.

    • 2 hours ago

    Japan's historical distortion, historical revisionism, is too absurd

    Germany reflects on itself

    Germany teaches history accurately

    The Japanese should emulate Germany

    Come to Korea and study

    There is a lot of historical evidence

    As soon as industrialization was successful, Japan waged war and massacred countless civilians

    Every country has a dark history. That's one thing. Whether they are ashamed and regret the wrong doings in the past and not cover it up is another

    the Asian Holocaust

    the Asian Nazis

    Japan should reflect on itself

    Germany knows how to reflect on itself, but Japan doesn't

    There is a lot of historical evidence in Korea

    It's an accurate history

    Imperial Japan was a serious, twisted evil empire

    As soon as industrialization succeeded, it invaded the neighboring country

    I must say that American soldier was necessary and it saved at least 20x more lives considering that Imperial Japan never wanted to stop doing Asian holocaust

    Thank the American soldier for stopping the Asian Nazis

    The adults told me a lot of stories

    But Japan denies history

    You have to reflect history correctly to get along well in the future

    For future generations, too

    Japan must learn the right history …………………

    Japan pretends to be a war victim

    It's disgusting to believe in a made-up history

    a people who don't even know their own history

    It's natural that you have to learn accurate history from school textbooks

    For future generations

    There are too many Japanese war crimes to count ……………………….

    Japanese right-wing nationalists

    Yasukuni Shrine

    It's like calling Nazi Hitler a hero

    Japan is making history strange with animation

    It's such a strange country

    The Japanese were a rabid group of believers

    It's the same democracy, but it's covering up and erasing history

    Too cowardly Japanese

    The war crimes of the Japanese Empire are too many and endless

    Japanese Who Do Not Reflect

    For future students, we need to learn history correctly

    It's important to learn history correctly

    pretending to be a victim of Japan

    When are you going to pull yourself together, Japanese

    Koreans don't want compensation

    They want to learn the right history and truly reflect on each other and form a consensus

    Koreans want understanding, but Japanese hide and hide

    As soon as Japan invaded Korea

    the murder of Empress Myeongseong

    The king of Japan is God

    The king of another country is a beast

    Japan's hobby of war of aggression without declaration of war

    The Bombing of Chongqing

    Googled it

    • 2 hours ago

    10:05 Columbus did not discover America in 1492.
    27:21 First copy western powers then destroy them.
    53:33 And an aging AND declining population.

    • 2 hours ago

    Excellently presented and very, very thought provoking! Best of luck to all of us!

    • 2 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago

    This was an amazing experience, thank you very much.

    • 2 hours ago

    1945년에 멸종했어야 했는데

    • 2 hours ago

    The envy of Asia. Authoritarian dictatorships like China will always hate Japan for being an „open“ society. A Japanese schoolboy 10 years old was stabbed to death this week in China 😓

    • 2 hours ago

    Excelente Documental, lo recomiendo 100%

    • 2 hours ago

    5:27 that lady in the back is smoking, and then they give her the bowl to start acting for the camera and she acts like drinking from the bowl and blows a smoke of cigarettes. That is funny😂😂😂 Now this shows me people no matter from which era is the same.

    • 2 hours ago

    Japan is like an Ant colony, the follow orders from the top and they build and outbuild others!

    • 2 hours ago

    US get away from war crime as always huh…shame on u

    • 2 hours ago

    This documentary is a masterpiece! Historical images, music, and narrative all of these were carefully processed and released, making it a truly remarkable. I'm really impressed and I gonna watch other videos on this channel.

    • 2 hours ago

    Outstanding ! Where has this documentary been all my life?

    • 2 hours ago

    35:36…that GI looks like he could use a meal himself…..

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