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Handsome Podcast

    • 3 weeks ago

    Longest road trip: moving from San Diego to Connecticut, driving back with my mom. We stop and see the Grand Canyon. Standing there staring at the majestic canyon – she says “my whole life I’ve wanted to see the Grand Canyon…. (after ten seconds) ok, now let’s go get ice cream.” And so we did.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I NEED Tig to officiate our wedding. I bet Tom could be put in a good word for her, he even played her dad in a movie 😉

    • 3 weeks ago

    Get someone in your life that looks at you the way Fortune looked at Tom Hanks in his question video ❤😂

    • 3 weeks ago

    I remember Fortune documented her cross country road trip when Jax moved from Chicago

    • 3 weeks ago

    Mission Impossible 3. I worked on the script for translating. We had to call the Vatican to find out how tall that wall was. The internet wasn’t up to the task yet.

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

    Handsome ladies…when they say, "Age before beauty", respond with "Pearls before swine".

    • 3 weeks ago

    Yay!🎉 on reaching 50 podcasts. And it never gets old! Great question by Tom Hanks!❤. So for my road trip experience, to was two years ago and I was 54 yrs old. Had to drive a work truck back from Reno, NV to Chattanooga, TN. I saw Joshua trees for the first time, drove thru Vegas at night to see the city of Lights, stopped at Lake Mead, photographed Hoover Dam, spent time in the Petrified Forest, and had the best steak ever in Amarrillo, TX. It was an epic 4 days by myself! 🙌

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love the way your poscasts go from religion to every other subject under the sun. Feels like im at a slumber party with my besties ❤

    • 3 weeks ago

    that story about Mae's parents is beautiful

    • 3 weeks ago

    Oh guys, I am a Handsome Pod fan from Munich! Fortune, if you drink wine, there is a wine tent called Käfer on Oktoberfest. And the best dish on Oktoberfest is Käsespätzle (no sausages included:)!)!

    • 3 weeks ago

    which cracker am i thinking of that's a scientologist pretty sure this was the one lol

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love the hop on hop off buses! We did it in England, Scotland, and Boston. The easiest way to get around a city without having to walk everywhere!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Happy 50th from Texas!! 🎉🤠🙌

    • 3 weeks ago

    You have had some amazing question askers, but this is def the best by far. I have loved Hanks for probably longer than I could form sentences.

    • 3 weeks ago

    What a podcast!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Everyone in Concord CA calls it Con-currd. It's a suburb east of SF/Oakland

    • 3 weeks ago

    Fortune try the bear Saugeses and Beer Anyways way better than here!!!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Happy 50th Handsome pod!! 🥳💚 Love y'all

    • 3 weeks ago

    Ya'll make my day. As someone who moved away from the Catholic church/ school years long ago I love getting your take on it.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I look forward to each episode!!!!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Fun Fact. In the extended version of That Thing You Do, Tom Hanks' character is openly gay.

    • 3 weeks ago

    I love that Fortune is repping and rocking Big Slick!

    • 3 weeks ago

    You guys crack me up! 🎉Happy 50th Episode!🎉 please answer me this…”Why is your sponsor, AllState, named as such when you specifically mention its insurance isn’t available in ALL STATES?”

    • 3 weeks ago

    As a Methodist – a UNITED Methodist- I live hearing this conversation.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Lol, I say Age Before Beauty all the time! I'm finally old enough to say it as I jokingly scoot in front of someone

    • 3 weeks ago

    Lakewood, Ohio here! Tom Hanks was traveling to take part in the Great Lakes Theater Festival. He still comes back occasionally and eats pizza at a local place.

    • 3 weeks ago

    OH yeah…Love Molly Shannon's "I'm 50 FIFTY!! and I can kick and stretch and kick…at age 60 sixty!!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I am from the Bay Area, fortune marie! We say it very normal LOL

    • 3 weeks ago

    Alternative to age before beauty…. ‘Shit before shovel’ 👌🏼

    • 3 weeks ago

    lol! These impressions! I was trying to do a Seinfeld impression the other day after telling my colleague at the library "I AM a good actress you know." In response to him being like "At the press release we're about to go to, where the government talks, try not to do that laugh you do where you can tell you're laughing dark humour because of the blatant damage they're doing while saying they're helping and then loudly calling them out on their bull". Which is not entirely unfounded. I have a meeting Justin Trudeau story that Mae especially would find hilarious. Basically he came walking out, didn't shake anyone's hand, bee lined it silently for the door, no wave for people and children who had taken time out of their day just for a chance to meet him briefly. I didn't care anyway, I was people watching because a coworker had urged me to, for people watching reasons only. I was like "I have actual library work to do." Right behind him coming off the elevator was Kevin, the school's security guard. You could hear a pin drop as Justin Beelined it silently out the doors. I shouted loudly in the absurdity fo it all. Waiting for a random guy to shake peoples' hands. I shouted "LOOK EVERYONE!!! IT'S KEVIN!!! IT'S KEVIN!" And started a lone slow clap that became full, but was still just me. Silence through the whole thing.

    Later I told Kevin I wasn't making fun of him, I only wanted to point out how dumb it was to idolize a human in that particular way. And that he had done more work for us that was tangible, than had a stranger. Kevin wasn't the best, but he certainly wasn't the worst. I had more respect for him than someone I had never worked directly with. And Kevin said hi all the time. Or at least nodded slightly in your direction and said "be right with ya." He also trained people including myself on AED and led us through drills while I was a fire warden in a busy library. He had PTSD from like being a sniper back in the day or something? I don't condone sniping, but he had seen some things and was committed to safety due to that. I also have PTSD and was committed to peoples' safety due to that. Kevin and I, we took mental health first aid together. We had shared some stuff. Kevin worked every day trying to help the staff and students and visitors. I thought "why aren't people wanting to shake Kevin's hand? Why are we not appreciating what we know?" The kids in the daycare were gathered together singing songs they had rehearsed. But they stopped when it was just all of us and Kevin. And not Trudeau. I'm not into the way politics are because capitalism, so I can't say I'm one way or the other.

    I'm a humanist (also raised Catholic but not confirmed due to my own choice because the many many atrocities of residential schools, all other reasons including abuse and 2SLGBTQIA+ hate and just generally not being seen as a human since I'm a femme presenting AFAB agender, asexual panromantic person with disabilities. Mainly though, afterlife is not something I include on my moral code and that aspect of my spirituality. Maybe there is afterlife and I like to think about energies of souls and how people live on in stories and in the earth and in the good they've done, and things like reincarnation, but I don't believe in heaven and hell, I don't believe the killing of someone made that happen, and the way I live my life can't be informed by anything other than because it's the way I want to live my life. With kindness and love. Easter was always very difficult for me, especially how long my Catholic church would go on for multiple weeks about the torture and the horrific things that were done to a man. And then we… eat… chocolate? It was all very confusing and awful for someone who didn't believe in a heaven and hell. It's a major thing in the whole religion, so I didn't feel confirmation was for me. My parents understood).

    And I don't think there can be true democracy with capitalism. But hey, that's just me. Trudeau or no. But I've never been an autograph, meeting famous people overall, kinda gal. Except when I fangirled over Namugenyi when she came to the A&W I worked at in the mall in Halifax. I had previously met Harrison Ford and Dan Akroyd in similar ways, at the same mall on shift. I was like "they're just people, whatever, don't bother them by saying you know them or anything. They look exhausted from filming submarine movies or endorsing alcohol, and they just want like fries, so just, sell them the fries." But in this case, I blurted out "OH MY GOD YOU'RE NAMUGENYI!" At her and she was like "yeah!" And she was surprised I knew who she was. How could I not? I grew up with Much Music in the late 90's. What a Vee Jay. Huge crush. There are a few exceptions to every rule, but have you seen her? She's so cool. Also shout out to Sky's Love Song. Love that jam. When Mae talked about it I was like "yasss! Your brothers they all think I'm crazy! Right on."

    Elliot Page had been a regular at a small local independently run grocery store I worked at here in Halifax, and though I Of Course was head over heels, it's Elliot Page, how can I not? I talked to him normally and interacted with him as a grocery clerk would a regular customer and sped him past the tip option because he was just getting like some veggies he picked out on his own. Possibly on my recommendation of like "If you like beets, you'll love candy cane beets. I grate them right onto my salad. A little more sweet and less earthy than most beets" or something like that or "I remember you like mixed greens, well this is our freshest and most affordable right now. Hutten farm isn't certified organic but they don't use pesticides, they mostly can't afford certification across the board." That doesn't warrant tipping in my opinion. And he noticed that and was like "why do I never get the tip option when you serve me and I always do when anyone else serves me?" And I said "Jason isn't skipping your tip option? Come on, Jason. (the only other clerk lol) No, I just skip it because I didn't serve you anything." And he said "oh, thanks". And I was like "Elliot Page just thanked me". And on the inside I could die happy. But on the outside I called out "hope you have a good rest of your day!" Which was also true.

    So it Is something I might do. Call a government official out on racism, gentrification, any Bills that fly in the face of anyone's humans rights, especially my students. There's a reason I work in libraries and it's to protect freedom of information and all human rights. I don't take it lightly and it's rare I would hold my tongue. Anyway, I refrained from pointing out injustice and humiliating my colleague by association on that day, citing my superb acting skills in the face of absurdity. But not long after my claims to being able to be a good actor (I won best leading actress at drama fest New Brunswick, Canada in the year 2000 for my Grade 11 portrayal of the heroine in a dystopian play called "Eden". Who could forget? lol! And they hadn't kicked me out of Dalhousie First Year Theatre lol! Plus the many community theatre rolls, one of which I played the murderer in a Murder Mystery… or was I??? And won Best student directed for my stage adaptation of Shirley Jackson's the Lottery for which I spray painted potatoes gray, at the end of which I played Rainy Day Woman. The people in my town when I showed it before bringing it to festival, always encouraging, said "I liked it a lot. Good work, Jen. But I'm just wondering, when does she win though? Is there a sequel?". Which? If that was my worst criticism? Not half bad for rural New Brunswick, Canada, grade 11 – first year University, ages 15-18. So you can see why I call attention now in my forties. lol!

    Not long after I reminded him of my acting skills, an impression flew out of me- the impression went: "What's the DEAL with Printers?" after I was trying to print something that jammed. The question Did come out like Barney the Dinosaur was doing an impression of Jerry Seinfeld. I believe I even did the weird circular tiny arm motions and particular bobbing posture of Barney. Gesturing oddly to the printer like a man in a big purple dinosaur suit trying to print while doing stand up at the library circulation desk. Weirdly, I Have been able to recreate this. Usually my bad impressions can't be recreated. I hope one day to have the chance to do this for Fortune, Mae, and Tig. It has to be all three or nothing. But other people Can be around. My coworker was trying to be like "haha! Solid Jerry. Nice acting skills, you're right. Stick it to boring straight, rich, abled, white guy comedy intent on defending a lazy and never actually funny idea of 'comedy'." And I just busted my gut going "I just did Barney trying to do Jerry!!" And we were both crying laughing. Best. Impressions. Ever.

    Long story long.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Love this🎉 congrats on 50!!! Ok here’s merch tag lines …When I’m naked I know what I’m up to – Mae…. 2 against 1 … Tomas’s list… tig’s book of boring stories …. Fortune Marie!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I've only made one small road trip by myself… Well I had my 6 month old baby with me too… We were traveling from northern California to Southern California. Half way, she was crying so I took her out of her car seat and changed her diaper and was playing with her in the front seat before leaving that has station. She stepped on my keys which somehow made the alarm go off on my car. My key fob battery was almost dead so I couldn't turn off the alarm. For an hour. I had had it by then so I got a hotel room and then continued the next morning.

    • 3 weeks ago

    My wife and I travel a lot and generally avoid touristy things, but have found the hop-on-hop-off bus to be the perfect way to kill time on the first day we land somewhere and need to stave off jet lag, and get a lay of the land for when we then go exploring the rest of our trip.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Well good question nice to hear of your interesting road trips… SO Tig it’s the WET socks that suck heat from yer feet so better to take wet socks off, & wrap them in a blanket.

    • 3 weeks ago

    And love the thrifty nature of Fortune & her mom, in Las Vegas…

    • 3 weeks ago

    I'm sorry, Mae, but your former fiancée was abusive…what a horrible story.

    • 3 weeks ago

    Congrats on 50 episodes!

    • 3 weeks ago

    I choked at "scram, clown!"

    • 3 weeks ago

    Why do I watch and rewatch all these? Idk…but I enjoy all these handsome pod episodes. Weirdly I always notice something in them that I never noticed before.

    • 3 weeks ago

    The way i was making choruses for Fortune as soon as she started singing That thing you do 🤣

    • 3 weeks ago

    I loved Fortune’s roadtrip story!

    • 3 weeks ago

    Go to https://thrivemarket.com/handsome for 30% off your first order, plus a FREE $60 gift!

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