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Dad Saves America

    • 2 months ago

    How do we even know this guy is a dad? If not? How can save America?

    • 2 months ago

    I love Tom, had so since the original Ron paul revolution in 2006, but he is horribly naive for being so smart. Stop talking g about Thomas Jefferson, the world we live In is radically different from just 2006, let alone the 18th century. The constitution never mattered, ever, and has been essentially voided since 1913. Get hip to that, and stop appealing to a piece of paper. We’ve always lived as serfs to our feudal masters, they just put a fresh “ freedom” paint job on it from time to time.

    • 2 months ago

    This guy romanticizing the 1980s while omitting Reagan’s assassination attempt lol

    • 2 months ago

    Comment for traction

    • 2 months ago

    Tom Woods is a great American

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

    Tom is a hero.

    • 2 months ago

    Really good conversation and discussion of how real federalism can work.

    • 2 months ago

    Loved Tom’s line about “the United States is much more than our government. It’s local baseball teams and Kiwanis clubs, etc.” I’m sure he was thinking of Rothbard’s line “we are not the government.” It’s true though. Our government might be corrupt and has grown to an unthinkable size and scale, but the people who really make America work are generally good, well meaning and hardworking.

    • 2 months ago

    What a fantastic circle jerk about Trump! The assassin was a mad registered Republican with easy access to assault weapons.

    • 2 months ago

    he hates globalims trumpp ..freinds with bibi ,,larry fink ,,jamie diamon ..loolll….yeh he real hates the "globalists" …i hope im still alive to watch this hubritic shit unravel its going to be delicious

    • 2 months ago

    Hello my friends. This was a strange one, starting shortly after the failed attempt on Donald Trump's life. As this truly unique, historic, and utterly bizarre election continues taking shape, I am going to continue to do my best to approach the issues facing us as parents and Americans with a minimum of hyperbole (though not zero, because I AM a little bombastic. I know that.) and a focus on the ideas below the surface, rather than party politics. If you're interested in that kind of discourse, you're in the right place, and I hope you stick around and hold me accountable in the comments.

    • 2 months ago

    I came to America in 1963 when I was 13. We came from a wee tiny island in Shetland, Scotland. We went from an island so small that I knew EVERYONE, to Detroit, Michigan. Five years later I was in Vietnam becoming an American Citizen. I HATED BEING IN THE MILITARY, but I believe that time in the military was more educational than all the time I spent in the pursuit of my PhD's. BY FAR that experience reveled to me who people actually are. Humans are the only ANIMAL I really don't trust or like, actually. We lived in Detroit for almost a year. My parents found an abandon small farm that hadn't been lived in nor worked for over 25 years; there were more glass in the barn windows that in the house — my siblings and I learned how to glaze a window, and SO MUCH MORE! We didn't live on a farm at home/Home because the island had no trees and being so small there wasn't a place that wasn't splashed with ocean, and a very strong wind almost constantly.
    If anything you were wanting to grow was not pollinated by the wind it didn't grow; no bees and such like. Often times were spent alone as kids on that farm. My Mum and Da both had to work outside the wee 15 acre subsistence farm. Some or MOST of the things you did on a farm would now be seen as ridiculously DANGEROUS. My parents would have been in prison if then were now. But then America was America. It is not that anymore. In rural areas just about every truck had a gun rack in the back window burdened with shotguns — mostly — and a fishing rod or two. Not only were the houses left unlocked, so were the cars and trucks, with guns in the window, but I never heard of a gun being stolen nor a car jacked. Not even in Detroit! I didn't know a kid who had a key to their house. Detroit, where EVERY HOUSE had an easy access to anyone who wanted to do evil; there was a dairy Shute at the side of every house so the dairy man could put your milk, and creme, and cottage cheese, and regular cheese, if it was dairy it was in the Shute. Every father had been to WWII and/or Korea. Every father and mother were you're father and mother. What made that time so SPECIAL, and compared to our time now was, EVERYONE was GLAD TO BE HERE! On our island every kid learned the Pledge of Allegiance, so we would be ready to show our new country that we were with them. I went into the military and then to Vietnam not because I wanted to BUT because it WAS MY DUTY! We here then shared the same ethos. I could go on but I think, would hope the reader understands what I am saying. But one final thought: IGNORANCE is NOT not knowing or not understanding. IGNORANCE IS THE WILLFUL DISREGUARD TO CONSIDER! And THAT is the wedge between logic and hate. I MISS BOTH OF MY COUNTRIES. I WANT THEM BACK!

    • 2 months ago

    It is error, and unhealthy to conceive “Killing Hitler”.

    It’s literally his own justification for his heinous intended outcome.

    • 2 months ago

    Look at the French Revolution and the similarities to our environment.

    Over taxation

    Revolution is inevitable.

    • 2 months ago

    "What does American civil conflict even look like?"

    Well-armed small groups of Conservatives put up toll gates on all major freeways, preventing urban areas from getting fed, until all Blue cities surrender. In particularly intransigent cities, they cut off the water supply. The war is over in less than two weeks.

    • 2 months ago

    Love TOM!

    • 2 months ago

    41:17 ''…not perfect….''''; Created in the image of God, yet professing to lack a perfection inherent in your claim to the miracle of His creation. Is it possible that feigning humility is a tactic with intent to gain adherents? Saving America is a monumental task assigned only to those whose selection has the stamp of approval from The Most High. On the other hand, meekness embodies the gentleness of the strong, who exercise control over their strength. Expressing magnanimity with humility seems counter-intuitive, which is a machination of one saying, ''whatever it takes''. This is very post-modern and relativistic – messy methodology.

    • 2 months ago

    Mailing out millions of unsolicited ballots is the stuff of a banana Republic.

    • 2 months ago

    Trump wasn't even an issue when Brobama was using the IRS to target Republicans. The democrats are the devil.

    • 2 months ago

    Trump 2024

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