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Economics Ethan

    • 2 months ago

    Navigating the Corporate Trap is no joke, I hope this video helps. Let me know your Company's Propaganda Scams in the comments, so we can all learn how to outsmart their nonsense…and if you need 1-2-1 help, reach out to me here so we can discuss directly: https://calendly.com/econethan/career_advice

    • 2 months ago

    Employee loyal to the company.
    Company loyal to maximizing profits for shareholders/owners.

    • 2 months ago

    The way I handle companies now as a consultant, is pretty much how I handle romantic relationships. While the general rule is that companies look out for their best interest, there are some situations where manager have a heart, and divulge info that should not be shared in protection of their employee. Its how you see situations where the company is crap, but the people are loyal to the manager, and if the manager leaves, they will go to where the manager is. My conclusion, just "match energy" being produced from the top, and not what they are saying. Or as other will say, when in Rome……

    • 2 months ago

    Figured it was like this

    Thank God I avoided it

    • 2 months ago

    weird pizzgate reference bro 2:20 :/ great video otherwise

    • 2 months ago

    you mean corporation/big company loyality 🙂 and I agree Morgan Stanley loyality tor sure it's a scam 🙂

    • 2 months ago

    Interesting content, man. Could you share why you were let go from IB? I see content creators with your background pop up every now and then after they have worked in IB but none of them share why they were let go – because if you are doing well in IB, I would think you wouldnt leave. Thanks if you can share any details. Bests

    • 2 months ago

    The glass diamond is exactly how the government doles out rewards.

    • 2 months ago

    This is why I say the following to get hired:

    "I hereby swear an oath of fealty to the company. I shall bear no children, nor inherit any land or wealth in my name. I shall relinquish all familial ties and friendships. I shall be at the company's beck and call from the moment I start until my dying breath. My life and soul for the good of the company…if you will have me"

    Do it in person, and get on one knee for best results

    • 2 months ago

    If you don't take vacation days you're effectively giving them free labour. Take your holidays, you need them

    • 2 months ago

    I think corporations are bad for society in general

    • 2 months ago

    How do we fight back

    • 2 months ago

    Love this channel

    • 2 months ago

    Yep, when I first started I worked for one of the Big 4 CA firms. Jeeze talk about a baptism of fire, I'm doing company tax returns and I didn't even take Tax at Uni… And what staff training. Basically the partners treated us like something on the fixed asset register to be flogged hard, until we decided to leave… Or enjoy perpetual flagellation until we too could become partners and repeat the same abuse cycle. On my exit interview the staff partner said "I think you're really bright but this isn't really your thing" 😂. Funny, which I replied "Reconciliation and tax returns isn't my idea of self actualisation".

    Think I've mentioned before but in consulting a principal had stated "We hire from the best Universities because they don't know how to fail, so we pile them with work and they never quit and always deliver".

    No financial firm gives a flying F about you, they've crunched lots of people before and they're senior managers because 25% of the time they're sociopaths.

    • 2 months ago

    I requested many times to reduce my weekly hours. I told them look I am highly productive at what I am doing and I can get the job done in 34-35 hours. They said a big no and wanted to put additional workload. I strictly refused and that made the relationship worse as if I refrain from working. No bro, I just use my time wisely and I am tech-savy. I am not gonna do more unless you do me a favor. At the end I am stuck. I cant leave the company, I need to accumulate capital but its not growing with 500USD per month. I cant grow capital with these work-schedule and high cost of living. What do you suggest ? I am already living a minimal life.

    • 2 months ago

    speak out the truth brave man

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