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    • 4 weeks ago

    The picture of the reptile looks like that "sleestak" from the 70s TV show !!!!! I'm sure few remember but I do..,. I guess I'm getting old

    • 4 weeks ago

    Me quite obvious that since the late 40s of the twentieth century, a secret project has been developing in the United States for the development and production of aircraft, where the lifting force is created using high-frequency vibration. It all started with James Pitts' "Sky Car" vibrating orthotopter umbrella, then the umbrella was closed with a dome and devices appeared according to the scheme of conventional electromagnetic vibrating speakers (membrane + inductance) – fragments of the membrane were found by a farmer in Roswell. Then they created piezoelectric thrusters, or with small dischargers on the surface (they glowed all over the body due to ionization of the air), and now they are planes with plasma propulsion panels (so they are angular – that is, with flat surfaces). Thousands of discharge cells are densely packed into motor panels – they shoot streams of plasma (railgun architecture – coaxial electrodes). The ionized air of the spark discharge is accelerated in the railgun chamber by the Lorentz force to enormous speeds – a kind of ramjet engine is obtained. Just imagine! – tens of thousands of small ramjet engines assembled in panels and launching plasma synchronously at a huge frequency (hundreds of kilohertz). Plasma jets form toroidal air vortices – this air cushion creates lift and acceleration. See, for example, the MARAUDER (Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation) project. My article "UFOs are made in the USA" and the books "UFO Hunt" and "UFO Elimination" describe all this in detail. The technology is quite mundane – it is known in great detail thanks to information leaks. For example, air ionization in the coaxial elements of a railgun is created using radiation (radioactive polonium is introduced into the metal). Devices of this type were used throughout the 50s-60s-70s-80s for secret missions (they took off, as a rule, from special submarines). With the fall of the USSR, their use by the United States was practically curtailed (in the novel "Little Green Men" by Christopher Buckley, speechwriter Bush Sr., a scene is described where the US president decides to curtail the "flying saucer" project). The winding down of the project can be recorded by the drop in magnesium consumption in the United States, since such fuel was used in fuel cells (magnesium strips were burned in forced galvanic batteries), this is 2007-2008. However, later the development of the technology continued in the Russian Federation and China (the technology was restored by reverse engineering methods for downed devices). Secrecy, however, was maintained and there was no civilian use because the technology was not suitable for it – harmful microwave radiation from pulsed plasma thrusters (harm to pilots and impact on electrical appliances inside and along the flight line). The payload is small (but one nuclear charge is enough). There is no radio communication – the discharges create interference and jam electronics – unmanned vehicles can fly and maneuver only in accordance with the program. Previously, there was a narrow application profile – rare spy missions (so that pilots do not get a lot of radiation). Reconnaissance aircraft of this type were often observed at military bases, missile launch sites and airfields. They were even seen by peaceful geologists in the taiga, where clearings for seismic exploration were laid – UFOs flew there to check whether military construction was underway (I myself heard stories about this))). I think that soon this technology will be declassified, and cargo airships with flickering round plasma panels on the surface of the hull will appear in the Arctic sky.👽😼💩

    • 4 weeks ago

    WE ?

    • 4 weeks ago

    Pity the same effort wasnt put into american grammer and spelling..
    😂…its.."I saw something", Not
    " I SEEN something"..f**kin illiterate americans.

    • 4 weeks ago

    I imagine light pollution and sound pollution have similar markers in origin. I venture most of the hum is the mixture of all the noises from reflecting echoes similar to sonic mirages.

    • 4 weeks ago

    No shit Sherlock only just worked that out. Give this channel a prize.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Add to stop listening after 8 minutes. Never got around to the topic.

    • 4 weeks ago

    Great way to start a point of view or argument is to not word the title properly . We not the first lol We're.

    • 4 weeks ago

    You have zero credibility. I urge averyone here to go to q real qcience page. Stop with the bullshit.

    • 4 weeks ago

    "We not?" Yeah, I'm taking this seriously!

    • 4 weeks ago

    I like cookies a lot

    • 4 weeks ago

    Disse tunellene var gode å oppholde og gjemme seg i når BARBARERNE herjet, usiviliserte, dyriske med sine spyd og drap alt som rørte på seg. Det var den gang da, ikke nå….

    • 4 weeks ago

    Universet er fullt av død. Om få år er vi også døde… Hvis fremmed liv skulle dukke opp på jorden, må vi håpe vesenene er hvite i huden og stemmer til høgre i politikken. Jorden er full av liv og levende vesener både på land og under vann……

    • 4 weeks ago

    Det har vel vært alle mulige levende arter på alle planeter. Men klodene slukner med den døende vulkanske aktiviteten. " menneskene" sloss til siste mann og det lå ikke igjen sten på sten etter seierherrene…som til sist måtte " nøyes" med å bosette seg på jordbloden ? Eller brandt og knuste de alt liv ( helvete) før de måtte dra derfra?

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

    Erosion ya right ! I want to know why your keeping up the lie your just as bad as the most media comp… hardly ever the truth, we are looking at a possible ww3 with nukes, and meti oh! Well we are screwed with the great filter uhu ! Ill stick to filtering coffee…

    • 4 weeks ago

    Yea black ppl ruled the world before the iceage

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