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    • 1 month ago

    Speaking of Dream Theater are you familiar with the YouTube channel "BecomeTheKnight" it's run by a musician/music fan named Mike, and he's made several rather interesting videos about Dream Theater that are definitely worth a watch.

    • 1 month ago

    What's wrong with Dream Theater? Their fanbase, so it seems.
    And that's why fandoms for the most part belong in the toilet to be flushed, rather than to be played with.

    Ya know, so you don't pull you under (pun intended)

    • 1 month ago

    Another great video where u also got out of your comfort zone, and you truly went Wendigoon in this sumbitch.

    I dunno Dream Theater was always a Prog Metal band that just really never appealed that much to me. But the musicianship behind the band is just immaculate. Petrucci & Portnoy are just some of the greatest musicians of their craft for a reason and I have a ton of respect for the two.

    I will point out that the other Prog Metal or Prog Death Metal bands that I love would be that of Black Crown Initiate RIP, Gojira, Rivers of Nihil, Ne Obliviscaris, Wilderun, Heavy Devy, Borealis, Oceans of Slumber, Cynic, Artificial Brain, Be’lakor, The Faceless, Deathbringer, Obsidious, & Alkaloid.

    But yes I consider Amorphis, Opeth, Nevermore, & Katatonia my fave Progressive Metal bands.

    • 1 month ago

    I know you aren't too big of a movie guy, but since you love Prog Metal, I would like to recommend the movie Destroy All Neighbors. It's about a guy who runs into a bit of a sticky situation while trying to finish his Prog Metal passion project. It contains some very old school Prog Metal stylings.

    • 1 month ago

    1:06:31 As someone who’s favorite band is TMBG I feel called out now. (JK, I know they’re not for everyone)

    • 1 month ago

    I enjoyed The Astonishing. It definitely isn't bad.

    • 1 month ago

    Amazing job man, I can tell you put a ton of work into this. Just watched every minute of it. When I saw the video title and length, I'll admit I was triggered as a DT fan as I thought you were about to tear them apart for 80 minutes!

    • 1 month ago

    The astonishing was just anticlimactic.

    They set up a good story and I could handle the first album being set up and bright if the second has some sick battles done in the fashion of their solos..

    But the second album is even more boring n shite but Holy crap. Way to f up the ending

    • 1 month ago

    Check "Red Vector – 22.06", it is Russian progressive metal 22+ minute epic about the war between Germany and USSR, with some level of Dream Theater influence. Other songs from the Red Vector's album are more like Progressive Rock than Metal, but still include some metal parts too.

    • 1 month ago

    7:11 it is not Syd Barrett, he is in green

    • 1 month ago

    Yes is Prog. King Crimson is Prog. Genesis is Prog. Prog Metal is not Prog.

    • 1 month ago

    The problem is simply minded people only like simple minded music and progressive metal goes over their heads bands like Pagans mind Circus Maximus Adagio Thy majestie ect don't have chance

    • 1 month ago

    I guess I missed the part where you talked about what is wrong with prog lol.

    • 1 month ago

    Pop sucks because its all about the lyrics and the vocal melodies and those still are usually overly simplistic crap for the lowest common denominator.

    • 1 month ago

    Ive had a DT marathon lately. Honestly I was shocked by how underwhelming the Mangini era was compared to the portnoy era. Thats mostly due to a lot of robotic artificial shit that quite frankly sounds extremely dissingenuous. I hope Portnoy coming back will bring back the soul in the band. I also hope Labrie will somehow get his shit back together. I cannot imagine Portnoy coping with his live antics anymore. Portnoy kept the band in check, and the interviews have been very interesting to say the least about the new album. I just hope that they will somehow pull through.

    • 1 month ago

    Neal Morse only gets a few seconds mention, but MP's got more albums with Morse than DT or any other band he's been with… probably combined. Some of them are truly brilliant. Grand Experiment, Similitude Of A Dream, Great Adventure, Momentum, Innocence And Danger, ?, Testimony. Don't sleep on those. And I'm not even religious.

    • 1 month ago

    "A middle ground can be reach reached when writing songs that have technical riffs and catchy hooks."

    immediately thinking of Polyphia

    • 1 month ago

    11:54 Bathory? Savatage!

    • 1 month ago

    U said "leftist" I stopped the video. Just dumb. lol

    • 1 month ago

    7:11 That's Richard Wright,Syd Barret is the on right side of the picture wearing glasses.

    • 1 month ago

    A Nightmare to Remember was based on Petrucci's car accident, not Portnoy's.

    • 1 month ago

    Excellent recap of DT’s career. Only expected to check out a couple minutes and ended up watching the whole thing.

    For many years, I didn’t get DT and just ignored them. But 3 years ago, I gave them another chance and I’ve been hooked ever since. Bought the whole discography and have seen them live twice in that time.

    You have to really like the playing since that’s mostly what they’re about. But as you correctly point out, JLB brings a lot of emotion and humanity to go with the instrumental madness and is really the perfect vocalist for them.

    • 1 month ago

    change of seasons?

    • 1 month ago

    I love the coverkillernation vibe here haha. Really well done video dude, i enjoyed it. Props!

    • 1 month ago

    my recent DT consumption got this recommend to me, long time DT enjoyer,I effing loved this video my man

    will have to go back and find the liquid tension albums now

    subbed, liked, looking forward to seeing some more content

    • 1 month ago

    The LTE era, to me, encapsulates the peak of DTs fusion. Its like they finally got a key player on their level (no disrespect to KM or DS) and were inspired on every level. I dont think they lost that over the years but it diluted a little. But from 98 to 2006, they were firing on all cylinders. Then again, I'm biased because i got into them in 2000 when 6 Degrees came out. But damn, that era makes me feel nostalgic for the late 90s when it was fewer studio punch ins, fully mic and blasted amps, and more raw performances.

    • 1 month ago

    for about recent 15 years or so, I think DT's music is not progressive. Just technical heavy, technical plays with dediocre meoldy trying to put epic story in it.

    • 1 month ago

    i never could stand with the vocals in DT.

    • 1 month ago

    Panic Attacks have The Number of The Beast Vibes❤

    • 1 month ago

    You could also say that every album starting from Metropolis part. 2 until Octavarium transition into another. Finally Free transition to The Glass Prison, Losing Time/Grand Final transition with As I Am and In the Name of God transition in The Root of all Evil. Ater you know with the concept of Octavarium it just loop and Octavarium doesn't transition in Systematic Chaos.

    • 1 month ago

    Very well done, the layout and pacing of this video was great. I'm not that passionate about judging Dream Theater as I'm just a casual fan of prog, but I do listen to a fair amount of technical death metal which is certainly proggy in its own right. I do LOVE some DT songs like Pull Me Under and The Glass Prison but I could never "get into" them if that makes any sense. So, I don't really understand why some people fan boi themselves over their material. That being said, I also don't have a lot of favorite entire band discographies. I find myself listening to a lot of stuff that came out in the late 90's early 00's and don't much care for new stuff coming out. Sounds watered down or something, or just incorporating things for the sake of it, like when prog metal bands started putting saxophone solos in, lol. Just not my thing but I'm just an older simpleton. Great video though, very entertaining.

    • 1 month ago

    anyone who dont consider when dream and day unite as the first album, arent real fans.

    • 1 month ago

    are u gay

    • 1 month ago

    You would like the pianist Hermann Szobel. He came out with an album in 1976 at 18 years old and that’s all we have. It’s jazz fusion mixed with prog rock. If you like DT/Jordan you’ll like him.

    • 1 month ago

    I thought Mark Varney was shrapnel records? Cool video btw.

    • 1 month ago

    Now seriously, I just grew out of the high pitched style for vocals. I was obsessed with the Images & Words album, and while I still consider that one of my all time favorites I just can't bring myself to hear it again.

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