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Rum Reviews

    • 4 hours ago

    Going to the DR soon (miserable British weather) and looking forward to buying some of these!!

    • 4 hours ago

    if you have the opportunity, try the Barcelo Imperial Port cask. I was blown away by it! plums, chocolaty, coffee, figs, but still fresh due to column stills

    • 4 hours ago

    Please review guyanese el dorado rums

    • 4 hours ago

    Steve, although not DR, I was wondering if you’ve ever tried a Panamanian rum from Kaniche? I think they are part of the Ferrand portfolio. I see them at the Total Wine stores in the US. Quite tasty

    • 4 hours ago

    Will you also do a deep dive with Seychelles rum?

    • 4 hours ago

    I just got the matusalem and the cork broke off in it plus it has a strong rubber taste in my opinion 😓not a fan of

    • 4 hours ago

    Enjoying a Barcelo Imperial while watching, it's a nice sipper, and I quite enjoy it in a rum and coke too. Was not a big fan of 1888 though, and it's the same with sherry cask whiskeys too, just don't like the sherry notes.

    • 4 hours ago

    I don't fancy the Brugal one either, I got a bottle as a gift once and just ended up drinking it in rum and cokes. I prefer sherry aging on brandy or whisky not with rum.

    • 4 hours ago

    $48 Canadian here in Ontario, which is around £28 for the Barcelo Imperial. I think that might be one to pick up if I can ever find it in stock near me. I haven’t seen it in a while unfortunately. I appreciated this journey through DR, though I kind of got the sense you confirmed at the start of the video: there’s not a lot here. I wonder how the Barcelo compares to you to CR Legacy or the like? Or maybe the Angostura 7? (I love me some Ango 7…)

    • 4 hours ago

    I've been wanting to try that Barceló Imperial for a while now as well as the Barceló Imperial Onyx which I bet you'd love. This might've just moved it up my list.

    • 4 hours ago

    You've made my day Stevo! 'Cuz there is Matusalem 15, my favourite out of those three, featured here!🤝🙏👌👍

    • 4 hours ago

    speaking of massive upgrades, gotta say thats Steve himself. going from the dmf using bar bro (nothing against dmf really, they will always have a place in my heart), to the friendly pirate looking uncle in just a few years, along with probably the best advice on youtube when it comes to rums and now brandies as well. its been a fun few years following you and lets raise glasses to many more!

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