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The Sailing Frenchman

    • 2 months ago

    superbe, Merci

    • 2 months ago

    Beautiful 🙂

    EDIT: Incredibly, romantically, passionately and emotionally beautiful. Thank you mate.

    • 2 months ago

    So what's the plan dude😮.
    New boat or land locked

    • 2 months ago

    "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…." 😊

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

    Amazing 🔥❤

    • 2 months ago

    Great videos👍⛵️I’m curious about your thoughts on stats for comfort ratio and capsize screening ratio, given that you have a lot of experience sailing on a boat with “bad” numbers. Ecume de mer has 16.16 comfort ratio and 2.21 capsize ratio. Would love to hear your thoughts 😃

    • 2 months ago

    I hope the new owner kept the colour scheme, maybe even the name.

    • 2 months ago

    beautiful. i always tune in for ann ale… sad to see her go. i would have kept her and sail around :>

    • 2 months ago

    Crazy that this series is coming to an end, have been watching for many years. Thanks for the episodes, I enjoyed each one of them and it made me go buy a sailboat myself

    • 2 months ago

    I'd love to know how much you sold her for?

    • 2 months ago

    Wooow après toutes ces années c'est donc la fin ! c'était une chouette aventure à suivre, et hâte de voir la suite (qu'on à déjà vu, la timeline est vraiment bordélique xD mais la suite-suite-suite!)

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

    Really well done. Good on you Hugo !
    Can you give us news about you, now 13 July 2024 ? New projects ? …. let us know 😉

    • 2 months ago

    Nice cutlass

    • 2 months ago

    Must be though editing all this stuff, was a pretty crazy ride on Anne allee! Thanks for letting us tag along on your journey!

    • 2 months ago

    Windward, cause I love the Wind in my face 🙂 "An End is allways a new beginning as well" give he a tear for me and say bye with your heart.

    • 2 months ago

    I miss these a lot.. cheers to new chapters.

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