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Catholic Answers

    • 3 hours ago

    Thank you.
    God Bless you guys.

    • 3 hours ago

    So then why doesn't the early church fathers cite ENOCH and Protoevangelium of James, as Apocryphal books too, especially since Jude reference Enoch in his letter and the entire Catholic church takes detailed information from the P of James for Mary's history and the names of her parents? Seems inconsistent. Especially when you take info from a book and tell us it is legit info but then discredit the entire book.

    • 3 hours ago

    The Deuterocanon books was my first step out of Protestantism (although I didn't know it at the time). The more I researched it and would try to argue against them, the more I realized that they were a part of the Early Church's scriptures until after the Protestant Movement. I wasn't too familiar with different translations, but immediately got an NRSV-Catholic Edition to read those books.

    • 3 hours ago

    obviously they should be there
    deuterocanonical is just too fun to say

    • 3 hours ago

    A common criticism I hear of the deuterocanon is "the Jews don't use it in their canon". Yeah, you know what other books the Jews don't use in their canon? The entire New Testament. Our canon should not be based on what the Jews have, but rather what God has revealed through the prophets and his Church.

    • 3 hours ago

    Protestantism claims to only follow scripture. So which scripture said to remove these 7 books from the Bible? Additionally, saying "The Jewish people don't believe in those books" isn't a scripture. The question was which SCRIPTURE says to remover the 7 books of the apocrypha from the Bible IF scripture alone is the authority?

    • 3 hours ago

    What books are in the Hebrew Bible if you go to a synagogue? Which OT did Jesus use?

    • 3 hours ago

    “Inspired” <> Cannon

    • 3 hours ago

    I love this conversation: I would also point out that Paul quotes the Wisdom of Solomon in part, when he is discussing the full armor of God. To further some information, this also gets into an argument about the Masoretic vs. the Septuagint and who is using what. Furthermore, the Oriental Church has even more in their Cannon!

    • 3 hours ago

    It WAS, the One and ONLY Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ and the Apostles in 33A.D. that produced the Bible! Pope Damasus commissioned St. Jerome to gather all the Writings, Epistles and Gospels and to translate them from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek into the language of the day; LATIN! It WAS, the Catholic Church that DETERMINED which Writings, Epistles and Gospels were the TRUE AND INSPIRED WORD OF GOD, in what order they would appear along with the table of Contents…ALL 73 Books..NOT, Martin Luther. All of this was reviewed and approved during the Councils of Hippo 383A.D. and Carthage 393A.D.

    • 3 hours ago

    The appeal to authority is strong with this one.

    • 3 hours ago

    No books of the Apocropha are inspired by God. They are historical and have errors and contradictions. They can be quoted if properly done, but not used for interpretation or Doctrine. They are from the Dead period when God didn't speak to the Jews. 400BCE to 1AD. The authority over them is the old testament covenant. The Priests looked at them. They didn't pass Drash!! The tests God gave the Jews.

    • 3 hours ago

    Hello Joe, Please explain why two extra Chapters were added to the Book of DANIEL at the end of the Book of DANIEL in the Catholic JERUSALEM BIBLE. These 2 extra Chapters were Never part of the Original Manuscripts and are definitely Not inspired !! The Apocrypha was Not inspired by God as were those 2 last Chapters ADDED to The Book of DANIEL!!

    • 3 hours ago

    I'm glad you made this video, it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $89k biweekly and a good daughter full of love

    • 3 hours ago

    Thank you so much. This answers many questions about these books.

    • 3 hours ago

    Protestants keep saying "do not remove or add anything from the Book" (even though they interpret it wrong)
    yet they have zero idea that Luther removed the 7 Books of the Bible 😂

    • 3 hours ago

    I'm Episcopalian this topic opened up a whole can of worms with which I was having a conversation with my Priest. Said Priest was arguing that we as Episcopalians' follow Apostolic tradition. I was quoting the Bible and the Early Church Fathers arguing that we (Anglican and Protestant) have not since the Reformation. The Priest then just started going on about how wrong indulgences were. Like that resolves so many of the issues caused by the Reformation. I am now in OCIA and may be Catholic by Christmas.

    • 3 hours ago


    • 3 hours ago

    Yes, 16th Century Judaism didn't use those books, but 1st century Jews did, and thus does the Church…

    • 3 hours ago

    I am not Catholic but i read apocripal books.i rather read apocripal than books written today by different pastors or religious persons

    • 3 hours ago

    There is a form of the Golden Rule in the Book of Tobit ''Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you''. Our Lord took this negative rule and changed it to a positive one. This passage from Tobit is read once a month, during Ordinary Time, in Lauds [Morning Prayer of the Divine Office]

    • 3 hours ago

    Frankly, most who are arguing for the inclusion of the Deuterocanonical books of the Bible or even for their exclusion have a poor understanding of the New Testament and are stuck in the Old Testament, the 'lesser' covenant.

    "On many past occasions and in many different ways, God spoke to our fathers through the prophets. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the universe." Hebrews 1:1.

    "Now, however, Jesus has received a much more excellent ministry, just as the covenant He mediates is better and is founded on better promises." Hebrews 8:6.

    "Therefore Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, now that He has died to redeem them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant." Hebrews 9:15.

    "In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute justified by her actions when she welcomed the spies and sent them off on another route? As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." James 2:25-26.

    "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

    "In speaking of a new covenant, He has made the first one OBSOLETE; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear." Hebrews 8:13.

    It's understandable to study the Old Testament books as a cross-reference to better understand the New Covenant, HOWEVER the Scriptures make it clear that the New Testament is the only relevant Covenant today.

    • 3 hours ago

    I am sorry people but there are NOT any denominations in "The Written WORD", NOT even catholic.

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