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    • 5 days ago

    Quit going to fast food in January, saved 45$ a week and lost 120lbs never looking back

    • 5 days ago

    A hamburger was €1 when I began working in Mackys 2 years ago, it now €1:60

    • 5 days ago

    Our household income is in the $150k range. We absolutely will not buy fast food. Not because we cannot afford it, but because I cannot in good conscience give these people my hard earned money. I’m happy to cook my family meals at home every day, leaving enough next day lunch leftovers for the wife and I.

    • 5 days ago

    The real issue is that prices have increased drastically and portions have gotten tiny…

    • 5 days ago

    This is actually a good thing but people dont realise. Buy healthier food

    • 5 days ago

    Because the government has a spending problem along with a war on farmers!!

    • 5 days ago

    i draw the line at $3! the whopper on wednesdays used to be $3 but now recently increased to $4 in my area, so no more I say for now!

    • 5 days ago

    If atleast the quality wouldve raised with the price, but I think it tastes even worse than 10 or so years ago. Maybe its because I was a child back then and everything tasted better in your memories, but in the end it doesnt matter. Its to expensive

    • 5 days ago

    hope they drop further so we stop poisoning ourselves

    • 5 days ago

    Fast food chains are exploiting the fact that Americans don't know how to cook at home. Some new homes don't even have kitchens, just a small shelf for a microwave oven. Also, they are skipping the refrigerator and providing an ice chest instead.

    • 5 days ago

    It's out of hand because our fat ass society is addicted to fast food and will pay any price for their big macs much like smokers pay whatever they have to for cigarettes

    • 5 days ago

    So they are choosing to either screw the employee or the consumer but never even consider cutting back on corporate profit that are going into shareholders pockets. Things like this is what will cause the collapse of Capitalism.

    • 5 days ago

    Oh no, a monopoli wanna be cant pay fairly…….. oh well let it die by bankruptcy

    • 5 days ago

    The real problem are greedy CEO’s . They should all get zodiac sign cancer for being greedy, but minus the words zodiac sign

    • 5 days ago

    The solution is simple, dont give them your hard earned money.

    • 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

    So, how much are the CEO and the Board of Directors getting paid? 🤫

    • 5 days ago

    why don’t CEOs just take a smaller cut of the pie. I’m sure they can sacrifice buying themselves a new yacht this year to pay the employees better while keeping prices low. or is that asking too much?

    • 5 days ago

    "Your food is more expensive because weve got to pay people a liveable wage"


    • 5 days ago

    Don't buy that awful food to begin with. It's literally killing you. Look into UPFs

    • 5 days ago

    Blessings in disguise?

    • 5 days ago

    You know, I gotta actually thank greedy mf’ers at the corporate offices for record prices, now I can finally stop ordering and eating fast food and make my own! 🎉

    • 5 days ago

    The wages argument is BS. Norway and other European countries pay a minimum wage of more than 15€ (~ 17 dollars) AND cover all kinds of insurances AND free 3-4 weeks of holidays a year and STILL the burgers barely cost more than in the US.

    The only reason why fast food chains are expensive because of greed, and still too many people are st*pid enough to pay those obscene prices.

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