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    • 3 days ago

    In Canada 🇨🇦🙏Canada flag🇨🇦❤only

    • 3 days ago

    The real reason they chose to leave is that their parents stopped sending them money for UberEats.
    And their government unemployment checks weren't enough to handle price of weed and food delivery fees at the same time.
    Also, at some point within the first week, they must have realized that protesting a conflict on the opposite side of the globe, from the safety of a university campus, was completely pointless.
    So it just turned into a hippy festival with a bunch of kids skipping class and smoking pot in tents for two months straight.

    • 3 days ago

    You don’t Believe in GOD if you don’t walk One in the flesh by Christ a Spirit

    • 3 days ago

    One man and Christ I Am One in the flesh is protected by GOD and nature by a Spirit

    • 3 days ago

    So what indictable offense did they intend to commit then?

    • 3 days ago

    students were right

    • 3 days ago

    I will respect this people when they acknowledge Hamas is the main problem in Gaza.

    • 3 days ago

    nice to see #CTVNews has chose sides, congratulations the illegal encampment for Terrorists support was taken down…

    • 3 days ago

    They want peace for them self but not for anybody else's

    • 3 days ago

    What a bunch of mindless brainless people

    • 3 days ago

    They left peacefully because they know the battles with police are losing them popularity

    • 3 days ago

    These social justice warriors will find another cause next week.

    • 3 days ago

    All's these articles on artificial intelligence, can't wait until it takes over, or at least that's what you're trying to scare people into thinking…honest question. as a journalist especially for this station, do you really think you're helping to world or making it worse?

    • 3 days ago

    They have all these ad's saying the state of journalism needs to get better…yeah it's because more people are waking up and understanding what media is trying to do. sleep well my friends, you provide a exceptional service.

    • 3 days ago

    In Canada 🇨🇦🙏Canada flag🇨🇦❤only

    • 3 days ago

    Islamo-nazi snowflakes ❄️ lost the battle. 🤣🤣🤣

    • 3 days ago

    So much for fighting the fascists. Cowards.

    • 3 days ago

    The plan was to leave in July. Summer vacation, duh. Back to it in the fall. Already set up

    • 3 days ago

    why aint all there banks being seized to check for money sent back to support Hamas? Pro Palestine is Pro Hamas which is Pro terrorism

    • 3 days ago

    These protesters are are useful idiots. They are Antisemites.

    Free Palestine literally means NO JEWS allowed. And the fact that this messaged has been completely ignored by the media is disturbing.

    They call for Intifada, the death for all jews, they call for Oct 7th again and again.

    These people need to be expelled, arrested and deported.

    • 3 days ago

    There is no Genocide.
    There is no Apartheid.
    The is HAMAS and their choice to use Gazans as human sheilds. Where is their outrage for HAMAS, and for UNWRA?
    Where is the outrage for the violent indoctrination of children by UNWRA?

    Shame on them.

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