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Real History

    • 2 months ago

    Pretty video, but waaaaay out of date. The whole "Hatshepsut as evil stepmother" is now considered BS; The only thing Amenhotep III was "great" at was throwing parties. One Egyptologist thinks he may have been mentally challenged (his wife did most of the ruling). The "great battles of the Warrior King, Ramses II," he probably lost, but used "alternative facts" to change the narrative. He may have whupped a few Nubians (like all the rest of them 'til Nubia struck back), but all the other "achievements" consisted of plastering his visage on every standing stone in Egypt. Like Pepi II, long reigns create succession crises. His successor was an old man, originally 9th in line, when Ramses kicked. (He didn't do badly, but he should have "co-ruled" for years earlier).

    They ignore the entire Middle Kingdom, except for what it meant to Karnak; they couldn't NOT mention the pyramids (but use the obsolete Greek "Cheops" & I'm not sure what they were trying with the other two names).

    Plus, at the very beginning, the bit about "no one person uniting the Two Lands" doesn't hold up today.

    One last point — the Egyptians were well aware the Pharaoh was human. He became divine as he turned from Horus into Osiris, in other words, when he died.

    • 2 months ago

    Explore Golgumbaz Deccan india

    • 2 months ago

    water lol

    • 2 months ago

    Many of the experts in this film are dead. But Egypt was interesting over a thousand years ago before the arabs moved in. The place went down hill from then, using the classic stone monuments as stone quarries.

    • 2 months ago

    my guess is people needed to–never mind, i have no idea

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