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Murderous Minds

    • 4 days ago

    Just started watching this. Thanks for the upload!

    • 4 days ago

    I sometimes wonder if anything like this could ever happen again, albeit on a worse scale. Of course there are extremist religious/political groups all around the world, and one should be made aware of the dangers.

    • 4 days ago

    Churr cuz 😎🔥

    • 4 days ago

    Man I was hoping this one would pop up. Thanks a bunch!

    • 4 days ago

    The best part it is that they got politicians and medical doctors to fool the less fortuned now.

    • 4 days ago

    Jonestown was a CIA op

    • 4 days ago

    It’s so much clearer now!! I didn’t know the history behind Jim and his family.
    Brains… this is a great choice of content.

    • 4 days ago

    Deeply upsetting

    • 4 days ago

    top5 y have you uploaded this 2 times?

    • 4 days ago

    Racism is such a grotesque and pathetic thing!

    • 4 days ago

    Great work 🎉

    • 4 days ago

    Rosalyn Carter just couldn't catch a break

    • 4 days ago

    This guy was a total waste of oxygen.

    • 4 days ago

    From a long time viewer of Top 5s content and true crime in general, I've seen plenty of docs on Jonestown, but when you guys make a video it just has to be watched! Another great video, thanks very much guys!

    • 4 days ago

    I never thought about it this way before, but in a weird way, it's almost like Jim Jones was the reverse Hitler, at least as far as racial policy is considered.

    • 4 days ago

    Clearly there was something else going on there. That family was murdered as retribution of Jones is dead than who would want revenge? Maybe the people that killed jones and fled after the massacre? I don’t know but it’s very weird

    • 4 days ago

    Microphones contain magnets. They attract some people who cannot resist their pull…

    • 4 days ago

    Multiculturalisme was helped by psychopaths, unsurprisingly 😮

    • 4 days ago

    Jim Jones sounds like he would fit in pretty well on Reddit.

    • 4 days ago

    Thanks for the upload!

    • 4 days ago

    it's too late for Russia

    • 4 days ago

    how is his revolutionary protest going? what day is it in?

    • 4 days ago

    Watch who and what you follow; and where, why and how . . .

    • 4 days ago

    “Frowned upon drinking, dancing, smiling and laughing…”
    But how about Koolaid?

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