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Imagine being offered a coffee for a dollar in early 1900's
Price of a cup in 1920 was 5 cents
I figured out in the demo last night that the higher level transporters are the ones who dont run into buildings and park the car straight. Lvl 1 always park crooked. 😂
Can you add the quality control stations and the repair building
I mean cool game but you’re not making any money the most I have seen was what 5 grand but it seems you’re always below 1grand every game
Quality improvement tools should not affect quality if the line is automated, because the cranes don't use tools.
At the rate of research in this game, you'll be selling Mustangs in 1920.
Having automation and human engineers on the same line may be suboptimal. One experiment that might be interesting when you have the money is to have two lines making the same car, one only automated, the other only human. See how this affects speed of assembly. Attach a QC station to see how it affects quality. I'm not convinced that the devs have actually implemented a lot of the variables in this game. I'd like to be proved wrong.
I think your overhead is too high; you have significantly more people working on the lines than you need. Labor costs are not included in the cost of the car when you're setting the price, just parts. Your margins are therefore smaller than appears.
One thing you could do is jack up the prices: I've heard that even a 400% markup will not significantly affect demand.