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Travelling with Russell

    • 4 days ago

    Мы с нищими пенсиями , даже не знаем , про этот супермаркет.

    • 4 days ago

    обычная пятёрочка у дома ни чем не хуже

    • 4 days ago

    Russel! Record russian tv please. What movies do they watch, what music listen, shows have etc. Thank you!

    • 4 days ago

    Great video

    • 4 days ago

    Насколько я понял, это не простой супермаркет. Он специализируется на торговле всевозможными иностранными деликатесами. У нас в Харькове есть сеть похожих магазинов "Ле Сильпо", но им, конечно, далеко до этого великолепия.

    • 4 days ago

    Muito bom os seus vídeos e informativos aos costumes russos e sua cultura. Obrigada Ana do Brasil.

    • 4 days ago

    Hi Russel, Could you also visit Mariopul to visit some typical family houses? After seeing your videos we are thinking to move to Russia. The houses are so nice, also the shops. The people look so friendly well educated and cosmopolitan.

    • 4 days ago

    incredible souk

    • 4 days ago

    Да,и это страна под 15 пакетами санкции…😮😅😊😂🎉

    • 4 days ago

    Cool store

    • 4 days ago

    Дожили! Иностранцы ходят как в музей в наших магазинах и показывают их своим соотечественникам… Ну и О Боже, чистые улицы, метро, красиво одетые люди! Невероятно!!!

    • 4 days ago

    Well western countries needs russia more than russia needs them. Those sanctions are bullshit

    • 4 days ago

    Im not goanna say much… Viola Cream cheese who is with me?

    • 4 days ago

    О это новая Рига оутлет.

    • 4 days ago

    I'm Russian live 35 years in Germany 🇩🇪 and I'm impressed. I think it's time to come back to Russia 🇷🇺 now 🤔.

    Thank you very much Russell you make a great job, i love all your video's thanks man👍

    • 4 days ago

    доедая бутерброд с бужениной
    Рассел, ну зачем ты опять издеваешься над западным людом? Они ж скоро догадаются, что Россия уже живет гораздо лучше , чем Запад. Еще год твоих видео и до них дойдет…🧐

    • 4 days ago

    I have lived in Russia. They know how to cook and eat well. Not like crappy Australian fake food. Woolworths frozen pies, multi colored donuts and greasy fish n chips, washed down with cancer coke. All loaded with chemicals. Dog and cat food takes up one third of the shop.

    • 4 days ago

    Its waitroses of russia basically

    • 4 days ago

    И самое главное. Цена которая указана на товаре эта цена которую ты заплатишь. Цены указаны окончательные. Либо если есть дисконтная карта, может быть дешевле. Но не дороже. Если цена на хлебе 10, ты на кассе заплатишь 10.

    • 4 days ago

    Few people from Russia can afford purchases in this store) There are such stores even in poor Venezuela and North Korea

    • 4 days ago

    Wow, I have lived in USA for 40 Years, and have never seen a supermarket like this. I cannot imagine all the waste that emanates from here. Do they donate leftovers to the lesser fortunate?

    • 4 days ago

    This looks almost as nice as a Coles in Melbourne.

    • 4 days ago

    I would like to know the prices even though it's a luxury store. Sometimes I like to go to these kind of shops and I'd like to know how they compare in Russia.

    • 4 days ago

    Whisky for $8000 OMG!

    • 4 days ago

    Торты вкусные в АВ

    • 4 days ago

    Thanks x your videos amazing

    • 4 days ago

    what the, at 13:27 in the Freezer there are Danish " Kanelsnegle " you gotta try them at some point.

    • 4 days ago

    In Russia, products are 10 times cheaper than in rotten Europe , and there is 20 times more variety of products !!!😀😀😀

    • 4 days ago

    In Russia, products are 10 times cheaper than in rotten Europe , and there is 20 times more variety of products !!!😀😀

    • 4 days ago

    Здравствуйте! Извините меня у меня вопрос, почему показываете постоянно супермаркеты? Нельзя ли показать достопримечательности, музеи, архитектуры и т.д.

    • 4 days ago

    Surprisingly, in my opinion, the Russian Federation absorbs all the moisture like moss
    While the flowers (i.e. numerous strafritial and While the flowers (i.e. numerous countries) are fragile and delicate Russia has learned to grow on the substrate of sanctions, although in fact, as oxymiron said, we will all disappear, but not moss (the whole comment is one big reference, so do not pay attention to Russia has learned to grow on the substrate of sanctions, although in fact, as oxymiron said, we will all disappear, but not moss (the whole comment is one big reference, so don't pay attention).

    • 4 days ago

    I'll bet it's cheaper than an American supermarket.

    • 4 days ago

    Аххх азбука вкуса, место ликвидации моей депрессии❤❤❤❤❤ обожаю их печеночный торт и домашние лимонады

    • 4 days ago

    Hahahahaa Russia under western sodomian sanctions? does not look like. My Canadian friend went to Russia in 2023, he says the stores are full of products, groceries, electronics, clothing, everything, even more than in Canada. The prices are 4-5 times cheaper than in Canada, the gas was around 47 CAD cents. The police is much nicer and friendlier than those bullies in Canada. The food is more tasty and healthy. He is considering to move there. He is getting Canadian pension designed to make people poor at the time of retirement, $1,000 a month. In Russia he would afford more than in Canada for that amount. His privilege, he speaks perfect Russian. He was eating the best sushi ever in a Japanese restaurant in Moscow with so tasty bamboo beer for 2,800 rubles for two people.

    • 4 days ago

    Love seeing the Asian food selections!!! Back when I lived there there were no options, other than the classic "dosirak" korean "lapsha" noodles!

    • 4 days ago

    Вы забыли упомянуть, что этот магазиин работает 24 часа 7 дней в неделю

    • 4 days ago

    I love seeing how Russia is so developed as a nation! Russia greatest nation!! Sber bank today announced it was giving free toasters if you open an account! Signs of prosperity continue along with many “Hyper-Markets” being opened!!! 🇷🇺❤️

    • 4 days ago

    I do puzzle over some of the comments on your videos. People scream "propaganda". Why would you lie? Secondly, what makes them think they are so bloody important that anyone would lie to them anyway? The majority of such comments come from America. Some people are beyond help. Thanks as ever for great videos.

    • 4 days ago

    Do you shop in these types of Luxury upscale supermarkets? Pretty much for me, I only go there for the cafe. There cakes are amazing. All made inhouse.
    If you want follow me on Telegram, I post a lot of photos of my day-to-day life outside of making videos: https://t.me/travellingwithrussell

    If you might like to buy me cake and a coffee, there are a couple of ways to support me in making more videos.
    💳 (Russian Bank Deposit) Sberbank: +7 916-313-0982

    💳 (Set up for Everyone) https://www.donationalerts.com/r/travelwithrusell

    💳 (Set up for Everyone) https://boosty.to/travellingwithrussell/donate

    • 4 days ago

    Западные политики просто глупы но не победить никогда Россию не победить ни Америки ни Европе и хоть и вместе они будут взяты не победят с нами Можно только дружить

    • 4 days ago

    недавно видела комментарии, где женщина спорила и просила показать фото из магазинов в России, она не верила, что люди не с хлеба на воду перебиваются, ей даже предлагали в директ скинуть фото и видео)) она была американкой, кажется

    • 4 days ago

    Hello Russel ! Thanks for your werry good video. I go to Moscow day if I hade money. But i go to Russia son. I work on the visum to Russia and traveling to Moscow 👍👍👍👍👍🙏🇷🇺

    • 4 days ago

    No CASTELLO bluecheese? WTF, Russia.

    • 4 days ago

    Cooked the same way at home, if you know, one-in-one), if you understand who is watching from outside Russia, and all the same things are in all cities of Russia, and thanks to those politicians from all over the world who care about the needs of ordinary working people

    • 4 days ago

    I often shopping at Azbuka vkusa. There is very tasty and fresh Fish and seafood, bread, macaroni, vine and sparkling wine.

    • 4 days ago

    I see people just don't understand that it's not even close to how the real live in Russia looks like. For example average income of retired peole in Rissia (who consist about 30% of population) range from 150 to 200 USD, this peole live in total poverty despite the fact that usually they worked for 35-40 years.
    And once again – Moscow is NOT a Russia! And Moscow luxiory places like this is DOUBLE NOT a Rissia.

    • 4 days ago

    Все очень плохо 😂есть нечего пить нечего. Пустые полки. Спасибо санкциям😂😂😂

    • 4 days ago

    На самом деле цены там не сильно выше, чем в обычном магазине. Примерно на 15% выше, но там совершенно другой уровень качества. Если это будут овощи или фрукты, то вы не найдете там ни одной мятой стороны, будто каждую виноградину вручную отбирают

    • 4 days ago

    Ни когда еще Россия не жила так хорошо как под гнетом санкций

    • 4 days ago

    Russians educate the USA.

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